A Torrid Past

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AJ sat motionless, on the edge of the bed, trying to find the words to explain what happened that summer. Knots formed in her stomach and she shuffled backwards on the bed, bringing her knee's up to meet her chest.

"Whenever you're ready darlin'" Chibs breathed as he fidgeted with the hem of his kutte, his patience which usually overflowed for her, now wore thin. The jealousy and paranoia twisting in his head creating stories of this man Johnathon, who he was, what he'd done to her...

"After the teacher gave me the leaflet I was so excited, I ran home to tell my mom..." she explained, a hint of a smile on her face. "But when I got there, it stunk of lemon bleach and was glistening from top to bottom, had to be the first time she'd done any housework in months" she scoffed, shaking her head as tears stung her eyes "She was acting so weird; calling me sweetie and darling and there was this man with his shoes off and his feet on the table, leering at me". She brought her hands up, running her fingers roughly through her curls.

"Johnathon?" Chibs questioned, his brow furrowed.

"Yeah... she ripped up the leaflet, demanded that I go with them to his lake house for the summer; four weeks we were there..." she trailed off, standing quickly before walking over to the set of wooden drawers, opening them and pulling out a joint. She lit it before taking a seat back on the bed.

Chibs watched her intently, leaning forward as he waited for her to continue her story.

"I never liked him, I don't know why but I had a feeling; he creeped me out..." she muttered trailing off again as she took another toke of the joint. She felt Chibs reach over, taking her hands in his, he squeezed gently.

"Go on Alyssa, I'm here" he said gently, staring into her bright blue doe eyes.

"At first, I'd catch him staring at me, then after a few days he started making comments when my mom wasn't around..." she paused looking up at him. He nodded his head lightly as his expression turned sour; understanding just what type of comments she meant.


AJ sat, curled up under the covers on the hard, cold mattress of the single bed in the spare room of Johnathon's lake house. She examined the pictures on the wall; of him and two little girls. His daughters, she assumed. A creaking noise sounded outside of the closed door, getting louder as it grew closer. She heard another creak as the door swung open and shut again and then the clack of Johnathon's dress shoes against the old wooden floorboards. She watched as he slowly perched on the edge of her bed and she scrunched her eyelids shut, hoping he would go away. Shivering, she felt his fingers graze her neck before she felt them at the hem of her shirt.

"Get off me!" she snapped, shuffling backwards away from him. She yelped as she felt him, throw her on her back, his knees digging in to her side, stopping her from getting away. She heard a loud creak as the door swung open and she sighed in relief, for once, at the sight of her mom stood there.

"You bitch!" she screamed as Johnathon stood up, stepping out of the way and she ran at AJ, grasping her shoulders and pulling her out of the bed.

"No, Ma, please" she whimpered, struggling to shake herself from her grasp "I didn't want to, I told him to get off me Mom..."

"You're a whore, just like your father, you disgust me" she slurred, the smell of whiskey on her breath knocking AJ sick. She threw her backwards into a mirror, the sound of it shattering filled the room followed by her piercing screams. AJ collapsed to the floor, bringing her hand around to her back, she felt a warm thick liquid oozing through her t-shirt and from her hand as she sliced her palm on a shard of glass wedged in her back.

"What happened?" her mother scoffed, looking down at her on the floor.

"I fell" she muttered, tears rushing from her eyes.

"Good girl" she scoffed again "Johnathon is a doctor, he can fix you up"

She then lay there as he pulled a small section of the mirror which had cut in to her back noting aloud "No injury to the spine or organs, some minor damage to the nerves..." He stitched up the wound, covering it with a dressing.

"That's gonna scar" he chuckled loudly, kissing her before walking out.

*End of Flashback*

AJ dropped her head into her hands as Chibs watched her, his face flushed red as his hands tightened to fists.

"Did he..." he started but his voice began to break, he looked as AJ nodded her head lightly.

"He raped me Filip" she muttered "It wasn't the only time, he ended up moving in with me and my mom for a few months, whenever she was out or passed out drunk he'd come in and..." she trailed off.

"Christ...It's okay darlin' you don't have to say anything else" Chibs sighed, standing and pulling her up, in to his chest. He held her tightly in his arms as a tear slid down his cheek. "He's not coming anywhere near you again Alyssa, we will protect you" he said kissing her forehead gently.

He'd watched her so many times; frowning at herself in the mirror at that scar and so many others that trailed her body. But that one he'd always known she hated the most; she'd always told him she fell into a mirror during a fight with her mom. If only he had known sooner, he thought.

"I'm so sorry lass" he whimpered, stroking her hair out of her face, remembering how angry he'd been at her beforehand. "We need to tell the club though" he sighed before leaning in and kissing her gently. His stomach twisted with what he'd put her through; he didn't care what the club voted. He was going to kill him.

"Hush Filip you couldn't have known" she murmured, kissing him back as she traced the scars on his cheeks "But I need to tell my dad before the club finds out" she sighed, as she unravelled herself from his arms.

"Aye" he nodded.

"Ask Clay if we can talk to them in an hour" she said, kissing him quickly before walking out of the dorm, in to the clubhouse.

"Hey baby girl, is everything alright?" Tig said, running over to her and pulling her in to a hug.

"We need to talk" she said in a serious tone, pulling away from him.

"Alright" he nodded and they walked outside, taking a seat on the picnic table.

"Filip slipped up about writing camp" she said, smiling at him.

"Crap" he muttered, scratching his beard.

"Thank-you daddy" she beamed, kissing him on the cheek.

He nodded, smiling back at her "I remembered you used to love writing stories when you were a kid, I knew you were graduating Junior High and I wanted to give you a present; anything I sent you I assumed you'd throw out so I tracked down your English teacher and got to work" he chuckled lightly. AJ smiled, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek before hugging him.

"I love you Dad" she mumbled in to his kutte.

"I love you too baby girl"

"That's not what we needed to talk about though" she sighed, fidgeting with her hands.

"What is it, baby? Is it about those phone calls you've been getting?" he asked, scanning her face for some clue of what was going on. She nodded lightly.

"It all started that day when I got home, after Miss Rawlins gave me the leaflet" she sighed "I never got to go to that camp"

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