Broken Willpower

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Gemma danced around the kitchen with AJ, Luann and Donna as they made pancakes, eggs and bacon for the guys. The radio volume was on full and they didn't hear Jax walk in the kitchen, chuckling loudly. He slipped back out unseen, walking into the clubhouse.

"Guys, get in here" he said nodding toward the kitchen, still chuckling.

Clay, Ope, Juice, Kozik and Chibs followed him in and collectively burst into laughter, this time grabbing the attention of the old ladies and AJ.

"Like any of you could do better" AJ laughed, blushing lightly.

"I don't know, I got some pretty sweet moves "Juice chuckled, taking her hand and spinning her around causing her to giggle.

Chibs shot a glare at Juice. He was oblivious, watching AJ smile. The queen however noticed everything.

"Come on stop goofing around, get out and let us cook breakfast" she said dismissing them. They all filed out.

"Not you Jackson, I wanna hear how my grandsons doing" she said, raising her hand to wave him over.

"He's doing great Ma" he said grinning.

"That's great, I'm gonna go by and check on him in a bit" she said, smiling widely as she placed the last lot of pancakes on the plate.

"Can I come?" AJ asked. Jax had become one of her best friends since she moved to Charming and she loved baby Abel. Since he'd been born, she'd been up the hospital every day, supporting Jax and admiring Abel.

"Alright, we'll go after you come back from the bakery"

"What cake is it?" AJ chimed, birthdays didn't excite her but cake was a different story.

"You'll have to wait until the party so no peeking" she said firmly.

"Fine" AJ sighed, taking two of the plates filled with pancakes and walking out into the clubhouse, placing them on the table.

Tig reached over to take a pancake only to get his hand swatted away.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" he whined.

"Nobody eats until everybody's at the table" she said, pointing a finger at him before turning around and walking back in to the kitchen.

Gemma and Luann brought out another four plates of pancakes placing them in the middle of the table then took their seats. Whilst Donna and AJ got the eggs and bacon.

"Thank-you, for coming here, today and last night, I know it's difficult for you to be at the club now" AJ said quietly.

Donna nodded smiling. "You're right, it is hard but you've helped me a lot, while Ope was in prison, I couldn't miss your 18th" she said hugging her before taking the bowl of scrambled eggs in. AJ followed with the bacon.

Everyone took their seats at the table.

"Alright, before we eat I just want to say firstly, thank-you to my beautiful wife, to Donna, Luann and AJ for this food and secondly, I think we'd all like to say a big Happy Birthday to Alyssa Trager" he said grinning.

AJ flinched slightly as he said those words; Alyssa Trager. Trager wasn't her last name, it was Matthews. A fact that Clay, along with the rest of the club; her dad included, didn't know. Her mother had changed her name to Matthews a few years after her dad had left. When she found him again she couldn't break it to him to tell him and since she filled out all the school forms; he never found out. But now she was 18; she could change it back.

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