Holding On

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Kozik's dorm was a mess of tank tops and jeans, slew across the floor. His dresser, cluttered by empty beer bottles. The only clear space was on his bed, where AJ perched on the edge.

Her hands brought up to her face, slim pale fingers outstretched, curtaining her bloodshot eyes. Her knee's rest heavily against her chest, beaten by her heart which galloped against them. Gritted teeth will her aching body to quieten.

Opposite her sat Kozik, his eyes scanning her body as he unzipped the first aid kit. "We really should get you to the hospital..." he started before being interrupted by AJ's loud, croaky voice.

"We really shouldn't do shit Koz" she mumbled tiredly, burrowing her face further into her hands to conceal the tears that welled from them. A small gasp escapes her lips as she feels the floodgates open, stinging her red raw cheeks.

Shuffling in his seat, he brought his hand up; brushing his fingers roughly through his hair. He paused for a moment as he watched her once more.

"Why don't you just take a picture?" she snapped, letting her hands fall into her lap.

"Jesus Christ" Kozik muttered, rolling his eyes. "You're such an asshole sometimes Lys"

"Damn right I am" she sighed, letting the hint of a smile flicker across her face. "I'm a Trager" she added hoarsely earning a chuckle from Kozik.

"Please let us help you sweetheart" he sighed, raising his hand to rest upon the side of her face. His brow furrowing as he watched her flinch before shuffling backwards; away from him. "Christ..." he muttered. "What the hell happened when you...when he...while you were gone?" he stuttered, his voice growing weak as he watched the sour expression on her face and how tightly she hugged her knee's to her chest.

The roaring of Harley's echoed through the clubhouse and had AJ darting out of Kozik's dorm. Club members heads snapped to see her fumbling through the bar, barging past club members and croweaters. Quickly, she passed through the front doors, crashing into Opie.

"Ope" she called his name, collapsing into his chest as his arms wrapped tightly around her. "I'm so sorry Lys..." he mumbled. "It's fine, just take me home I need to see Filip" she sighed, stepping back and wiping her tears with the sleeve of the grey Sons hoodie Kozik had gave her. She watched as his brow furrowed and he stood quietly scratching his beard. "I don't think that's a good idea right now, Tacoma has better means to protect you now" he lied. He knew the guys were out now but he was scared the truth would shatter her already broken self.

"What's going on?" she snapped, taking a step back. Opie paused for a second, seeing her staring up at him "I just got off the phone to Gemma, she bumped into Fiona at St Thomas visiting Chibs..." he started before her face flushed red and she turned, storming back inside the clubhouse, returning minutes later, as a taxi pulled up outside.

"The hell are you doing?" Kozik snapped, following AJ. She ignored him, walking out of the clubhouse doors and jumping in the taxi. He ran over, jumping in the other side quickly before the driver pulled off.

"Get out!" she shrieked, hitting him in the arm. He rubbed his bicep chuckling lightly, causing her to frown.

"You hit like a girl" he winked "and I aint letting you out of my sight sweetheart, where we off?"

"To see an old friend" she sighed, running her fingers roughly through her curls.

"Freddie?" he smirked.

"Yeah, Freddie" she muttered, staring out of the car window, watching the familiar buildings lining familiar streets. Tacoma, Washington; a place she thought she'd never be again. A place she'd never want to be after all that happened here. But she came back with plans that not Opie nor Kozik could stop. "Just here" she spoke up as they pulled up to a block of worn down flats. She paid the driver before jumping out of the car.

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