A New Family

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After AJ told Tig, he stormed out of the hospital. It had been two days and she hadn't seen him since. The Scottish man she had met her first night in Charming was there. She'd found out his name was Chibs, he showed her a kindness that she hadn't seen in a long time. She found it easy to talk to him, he never asked questions, just listened and supported her.

Chibs walked into AJ's hospital room carrying two brown paper bags and two coffees.

"Here, they say if you eat something you can go home" he explained, setting the bags and coffee down on the table beside her bed. He passed one bag to AJ and took one himself, settling down in the chair at the other side of her bed.

She just sat there, staring at the bag. Sick with worry, food was the last thing on her mind.

"Come on lass, please eat something" Chibs sighed, his brow furrowing.

"So, I can go home? I don't have a home; my alcoholic mother beat my ass then kicked me out and my deadbeat dad is god knows where after running away again" she scoffed.

"AJ, he hasn't ran away sweetheart, he'll be back soon I promise you and you can stay at the clubhouse, you're family and we take care of family"

She didn't reply, opening up the bag she pulled out some fries stuffing them into her mouth.

"Happy now?" she mumbled under her breathe.

"Aye" he chuckled.

Tara walked in the room to see AJ taking a bite out of a burger. A small smile flickered on her face.

"Great, you're eating which means I can take you off your IV and get your discharge papers signed"

"I'll leave you to it" Chibs nodded before leaving the room.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialling Tigs number.

"Hey man, how's AJ doing?" Tig asked.

"Alright, she's getting discharged now, I've told her she can stay at the clubhouse.."

"No" Tig cut him off.

"Christ Tig where's she gonna stay?"

"My house, I don't want her hanging round all the crow eaters, I'll be back in a few hours I've just got a couple loose ends to tie up in Tacoma first"

"Alright brother"

"And Chibs?"


"Tell her I love her and I'll be back to protect her soon"

"I think you should tell her that yourself when you get home"

"And a lot more brother, a whole lot more"


Authors Note

Thank-you all for reading so far. I really appreciate it, feedback of any kind is always welcome and appreciated.

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