Family Are Everything

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AJ pulled into the parking lot at TM, parking her bike. She removed her helmet, placing it over the handler bars and leaned against the fence waiting for Tig. 

Pulling in a couple minutes later he parked up next to AJ's bike. 

"What the hell was that?" Tig snapped.

"What do you mean?" AJ asked innocently, a small smirk on her face.

"You know damn right what I mean, racing off like that it's not safe"

She raised her left eyebrow at him before chuckling. 

"Seriously? I've seen the way you ride"

"That's different"


"You're my little girl"

"Not anymore" she smiled, nodding toward the 'Happy 18th AJ" sign, fixed up above the doors of the clubhouse. 

"Hey! You will always be my little girl" he said pulling her in for a hug "I'll lecture you on the dangers of speeding another time, time for your party"

"Okay Dad" she mumbled pulling away.

 Tig placed his arm around her shoulders, leading her to the clubhouse. "Act surprised or Gemma will kill me" he muttered before opening the doors. 


AJ feigned surprise, raising her hand to cover her mouth. Looking around the room she saw that everyone was here, apart from Jax and Gemma. Her brow furrowed

Clay noticed AJ's expression and walked over giving her a hug. 

"Where are they?" she muttered, noticing the concern painted on his face. 

"They're up the hospital, Abel had to go in for surgery"

"Then why are you all here? We should be there for Jax and Abel"

Clay shook his head. "It's your 18th, Jax didn't want to mess it up for you, Gemma's up there"

"No" she yelled walking out of the door and over to her bike. Clay and Tig ran out after her followed by Juice, Chibs and Happy.

"Where are you going?" Tig yelled as she pulled her bike out of the lot. He looked over to Clay.

"Isn't it obvious brother?" he chuckled heading toward his bike.

The rest of the guys left the clubhouse followed by Donna and Luann.

"What's going on?" Happy asked as he ran up to the guys.

"AJ found out about Abel, ran out, got on her bike and left, we're guessing she's gone to sit with Gemma and Jax up at St. Thomas" Clay explained. 

Happy nodded. "Alright, we going after her?" he asked gruffly. 

"We're gonna go up there now, try and convince her to come back but you know how stubborn she is we'll probably end up spending the night up there. Let the guys know"

At the hospital, AJ paced through the halls finding Jax sat in the corner of the waiting room. 

"Hey, what's going on?" she asked, sitting down in the seat beside him. 

"Shit AJ, what you doing here?" 

"I found out about Abel's' surgery when I got to the party. Clay tried to get me to stay but I had to be here" she said putting her hand on his shoulder.

He nodded lightly. "I understand, Gemma's gonna kill you though" he said.

"I can handle Gemma" she chuckled lightly, resting her head on his shoulder.

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