Reunions and Revelations

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Tig's head span as he climbed out of bed, grabbing random items of clothing and hurriedly getting dressed. Grabbing his keys, he ran outside and started up his bike, driving off toward St. Thomas. His stomach churned at all the possibilities. Chibs said they found her, where did they find her? She wasn't lost, so far as he knew she was living with her mother in Tacoma.

Halting to a stop outside the hospital, he jumped off his bike marching through the doors to the A&E. His face now flushed red with anger and resembling a beetroot, he paced.

"Where is she?" he snapped, walking up to Chibs who was sat on a chair in the waiting room, waiting for him.

"They took her away before you came in, they wouldn't tell me anything just that they had to run some tests" he explained, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Tests? Tests for what Chibs?! What happened to her?!" he began yelling.

"I don't know brother, we saw a lass on the side of the road, pulled over to see if she needed a tow but she started asking about the patches and asked if I knew you and then she fainted" Chibs explained.

"By herself? She's meant to be in Tacoma with her mom!"

"I wouldn't be so sure, she had a blanket, pillow and bags of clothes in the car"

"Jesus Christ" he muttered before rising to his feet and stomping over to the reception desk.

"One moment sir" uttered the short, plump, middle-aged woman sat behind the desk filing through paperwork.

"Where's AJ Trager?" he asked, ignoring her words.

The woman raised her eyes from her papers noticing his kutte. She shuffled in her seat, taking a deep breathe.

"She's been taken for tests, nobody can see her yet"

Tig clearly disproving of her answer, leant over the desk, gripping the edges tightly.

"I'm her father, tell me where she is or so help me I will..." he yelled before he was cut off by Chibs' hands on his shoulders pulling him back.

"Calm down, she's with the doctors Tig there's nothing you can do right now" he reasoned.

"I can be there for her, for once" he said, breaking down into tears.

"I should have been there man, she's my baby, I should have protected her" he yelled.

"That's why you left brother, you thought you was protecting her"

Tig nodded lightly before turning to see Tara enter the room.

Both men ran over to her.

"What's going on doc?" Chibs asked as they stopped beside her.

"Follow me" she said, leading the men to sit down in her office.

"We took AJ for some tests, it seems there's some swelling on the brain that seems to be caused by some form of trauma. We found bruising on her scalp, at the back of the head but she won't talk to anyone" she explained.

"Oh god" Tig whimpered, jumping to his feet and pacing the room. What had happened to his little girl.

"We found her records and there are a lot of A&E admissions. Accidents, mainly falls. There was a couple of admissions for a broken wrist"

"Kids are accident prone, what's your point?" Tig shrugged, shuffling in his seat. He watched as the doctors' brow burrowed and she hesitated. "You think this is related? Are you saying you think Alyssa's been hurting her?"

"Well we don't know anything for sure but this seems a lot more than just an accident-prone child"

Tig jumped to his feet, kicking his chair across the room startling Tara

"I'm gonna kill her, if she did this..." he said storming out into the corridor. "Tell me where my little girl is" he yelled.

"She's just down here, she woke up earlier but you need to calm down, we're keeping her in to monitor the swelling but she needs to relax,"

Tig nodded following her down the corridor to a corner ward.

He stood outside the door for a second, trying to figure out what he was going to say to her. Ten years was a long time and he knew; talking about the power puff girls wasn't going to put a smile on her face anymore.

Pushing down the handle and flinging the door open, he saw her.

AJ heard the door slam open and glanced over to see a man stood tall with dark brown hair, as curly as hers. And bright blue eyes to match. He hadn't changed since she'd saw him last. The whole drive up to charming she'd rehearsed what she was going to say when she saw him. In her head, she'd screamed at him a million times but nothing could prepare her for her father's tear stained face as he dropped to his knees at her bedside.

"I'm so sorry baby girl, I'm sorry..." he repeated as he grasped her hand tightly with his.

She simply lay there, frozen and non-moving watching the broken man in front of her. The same man that had wiped her tears and held her when she was scared for those first six years. He didn't seem like the sick and twisted mess her mother had made him out to be.

"You... You left me" she sobbed now, pulling her hand quickly away from his.

"I didn't want to, I had to... The club was going through some stuff and I didn't want you dragged into it" he said, standing up and placing his hand on the side of her face.

She shuffled out of the bed, stepping backwards.

"Don't touch me" she said shaking her head.

Tig just stood, watching her, noticing the sorrow that filled her eyes and the scars that littered her skin.

"What happened AJ? Just tell me who hurt you, I'll fix this, I'll make them pay for what they did to you"

She scoffed, her head dropping as she stared at the floor.

"It was her" she muttered, slouching down in the chair beside the bed. Tig moved cautiously toward her, kneeling in front of her.

"Who, baby girl?"


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