A Fathers Blessing to a Son

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AJ was sat at the bar in the clubhouse sipping a beer when Gemma took a seat beside her.

 "How you feeling baby?" she asked. 

AJ shrugged her shoulders as she ran her fingers roughly through her curls. "It's not like he didnt warn me about dating a son" she sighed shaking her head. 

"He'll come around, you've got your dad wrapped around your little finger" she said placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. 

"Perhaps.." she muttered "But will he?" she asked nodding over to a moody Juice, sat on the couch nursing a black eye. 

"Of course he will sweetheart, he just needs time to let his heart mend" she nodded before walking over and saying something to Juice before walking out. He stood up, walking over to AJ.

"Juice, I'm so sorry.." she started but he waved her off.

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault" he sighed "I just need some space alright" he said coldly before walking out of the clubhouse moments before she heard his bike roar to life. 

He head dropped down to rest in her hands. Juice had been her best friend since they met and now he could barely manage to look her in the eye. The first few days he'd avoided even being in the same room as her but now he'd sit and just act like she didn't exist. She put her lips to the bottle of beer, downing the rest of the bitter liquid.  Throwing the bottle over the bar and in to the trash, she span around in her chair, jumping off to see Tig stood by the door. "Get out my way" she muttered, pushing past him and walking over to TM. 

"Hey" she cooed gently in Chibs' ear as he leaned under the hood of a car. 

"Hey darlin'" he said gently, standing up to place a kiss on her lips. His hand caressed her cheek causing her to sigh happily. "You spoken to Juice or your dad yet" he asked cautiously. 

"Juice said he needed space, he could barely look me in the eye and I'm not speaking to Tig" she snapped, going over to fix another car. She popped the bonnet, checking the oil and water levels. "Easy enough" she scoffed walking over to the sink to fill a jug with water. 

"You need to talk to him darlin' he's your father.." he started before being shot a deadly glare from AJ. "Or maybe another day" he sighed, scratching his beard. He didn't want his brother to hate him much less for his daughter to fall out with him on his account. 

"I'm going to get a beer" he mumbled, walking into the clubhouse. He found Tig sat at the bar drinking whiskey. 

Tig glared up at him, the same glare he'd received earlier from AJ. "What do you want Chibs?" he yelled, downing his drink, the amber liquid burnt his throat. 

"She misses you Tig, even if she says she doesn't I know better" he said making Tig scoff. 

"She hates me" he said shaking his head. "I'm sorry man, about the nose" he said nodding towards Chibs' broken nose from the week before. 

"Aye it's alrigh' brother, I understand, if it was Kerrianne I would have done the same" he said, taking a seat beside him. 

"Will you protect her?" Tig sighed. The pain of AJ ignoring him was too much, he couldn't handle it. Ever since she came back to him he'd vowed to protect her, yet time and again he'd come to be the one that hurt her. He'd never hit her of course but he still managed to fuck up and they'd fall out. This time was different though, usually she'd avoid him but the way she looked at him now. She was so angry.

"Aye, with my life" he assured. It was true and it had been since he'd met her. Even before he knew who she was; Chibs was drawn to her. As soon as he set his eyes upon her face; something inside him screamed for him to help her. 

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