Little Girl Lost

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"Jesus Christ, behind a Christian center really?" Jax spat, his face contorting in anger as he turned the van down a lane following behind the building.

"Look, that's Zobelle's daughter" Tig said nodding toward the young blonde stood in the doorway.

"Huh, maybe daddy's close by" Jax noted "but first we got some Irish trash to take out" he said, pressing his foot hard against the accelerator pedal. Clay, Tig, Bobby, Juice and Happy sat in the back of the van.

He pulled up outside the lake house, the tires of the van screeching against the dirt path. Glancing round he checked for cars but none could be seen. The air was filled with an eerie silence.

"It's quiet..." Juice said, furrowing his brow.

"Something's not right here" Tig spat, scrunching up his nose, a lump forming in his throat. Throwing open the door of the van, he jumped out, the rest of the guys in toe.

Clay nodded, he felt it too. The place was silent, derelict even. "Happy, Tig go around the back, the rest of you with me" he said, watching as Happy and Tig shuffled down the side of the building. Once out of sight, he kicked the door open and they walked in with their guns raised.

Inside, it was more a hunting cabin than a house with old worn floorboards and taxidermy that littered the walls with the odd family picture placed around. Worn brown leather couches sat at each end of the room. A man passed out on each.

"Well this one's dead" Jax spat, rolling him off the couch to reveal the gunshot wound on the other side of his head.

"This one too" Bobby called from across the room.

Tig kicked the door, his foot going straight through the rotting wood. "Ah shit" he yelled, the wood cutting in to his leg.

"Just pull it out" happy said smirking. After the hell, the past couple of days had been, first one of his brothers blew up by Zobelle and then his friend, kidnapped by an Irish psychopath. This was just the thing that he needed to cheer him up.

"Do not pull it out" they heard Bobby's voice from the other side of the door.

"Is she there? She alright?" Tig questioned frantically.

"Afraid not brother, just a couple of dead Nazi's" he heard him reply and he felt anger surge inside him. "GAH" he yelled in pain as he pulled his leg back. Blood poured from the gashes left by the wooden shards.

"Stupid son of a bitch" Clay yelled walking out the room and down the hall to the back door. He opened the door, walking out of the house with Jax, Bobby and Juice following closely behind.

"Save it Clay. My little girl needs me I don't have time to stand around with my foot in a door" Tig yelled, throwing up his hands before walking past them, into the house.

"She needs you in one piece" Jax yelled following him inside, he found him stood, seething as he looked at the men lying dead on the floor.

"They're Zobelle's guys" he said, rubbing his jaw as his face flushed red.

"Well we already know where to find him" Jax said, a meddling grin upon his face. 

Tig nodded before walking out the door.

"Wait right there shithead you're not going anywhere until you've had that seen to" Clay said firmly.

"We got a first aid kit, we can wrap it in thevan" he said, walking over and climbing inside. His heart ached at the thought of losing her again. He cursed himself for leaving. His thought's weighed down on him, crushing him as he thought of his little girl scared and alone. He'd promised himself she'd never feel that way again but now he couldn't help but feel like he'd failed her. 

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