Coffee Shop Blues

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Today was date night with your boyfriend (Ex's name to be abbrev. as E/n)

We set the plans to meet at Biggby's (It's a coffee chain) at noon and talk until he has to go to work at 2. I have been dating him for a year and he sometimes forgets about our dates but- he promised to remember today.

But instead, 

I am waiting

and waiting


I got stood up, so much for really liking him.

I am about to pack my stuff up and leave the shop, I can't handle the number of glares I am getting. Some pity glares, some sympathetic, some reminding me that dating isn't all it is cracked up to be sometimes. Life doesn't always hand you a gold plate and say here you go, here is the best life without any obstacles. Though we all wish to have that we, unfortunately, can't.

I am standing up when an attractive man with blue hair of all colors sits across from me.

"Hey Baby, I am so sorry I'm late-" I look at him with confusion as he wraps his arm around my waist sitting down next to me.

"Hey I'm Ethan, I couldn't stand seeing you sit alone in here, a beautiful girl like you shouldn't have been stood up. Heck, I bet he is kicking himself right now." He whispered to me.

"Hey, babe! What kept you so long," I say to him loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I'm Y/n, thank you for doing this," I whisper and smile at him. He takes my hands in his and kisses my hand. 

"Ah work went a little later than normal I am sorry dear,"

"The pleasure is all mine dear," He whispers.


"So what do you do?" I ask.

"I do youtube, you?"

"I'm a radiologist," I answer.

"Cool if any of my idiot friends or I hurt ourselves I will be sure to come to you!" He says with a smile on his face.

"So there are more of you, and what's your favorite color?" I ask with a slight laugh

"Ha ha real funny, if anything- I'm the real bad boy here. Livin life on the edge and Blue, you?"

"I'm so turned on right now- and Maroon" He looks me up and down and chuckles.

"What? You really believe I am turned on?" I ask.

"No, I just couldn't tell by the Maroon dress you are wearing that maroon is your favorite color- plus admit it you are turned on by me," He says with a laugh.

"Okay okay you caught me," You say with a giggle.

"I'm going to refill on coffee you want a refill too on your hot chocolate?" You nod as he takes your mug.

As weird as it may be, I like Ethan better than I ever did with (e/n). He is sweet and caring- very friendly and a dork like I am.

"A fresh steamy cup of joe for me and a hot chocolate extra chocolatey for you!" He says smiling setting the two mugs down.

"Hey y/n- uhhhhh what are you still doing here?" You look up to see him... (e/n).

"More importantly-" I look down at my watch.

"Why did you show up three and a half hours late? What about work huh?" He chuckles.

"Ha- so what if I was out drinking with my guys? You are so dependant on me you would never break up with me," He says with a smirk as Ethan clutches my hand tightly.

"Yo dude get out of here- who do you think you are to treat someone like that," Ethan yells at him.

"Who are you to sit here holding hands and talking to my girlfriend, She can't talk to any other than me- get over here Y/n," He says as I stand up to snap at him.

"No (e/n) you cannot every fucking tell me how to live my own fucking life. We done- gone, doneso, stopped, OH- VER," I say heavily annunciating the oh in over.

"Really because you are lost without me pumpkin," He says full of himself as normal.

"She has me you dimwit," Ethan says confidently.

"Who are you anyways?" He asks.

"The guy who has been on a date with the girl you stood up for the past 3 1/2 hours. Unlike you, I have respect for women. Now get out of here you fuck boi, Y/n deserves better," Ethan says waving his hand goodbye tightening his other hand which was now at your waist.

"Sure, Y/n you would date this loser?" You looked at him tilting your head.

"We weren't even planned to be on a date and he still showed up, yet the numerous planned dates you and I had you never showed up and I love to say this to your face but- he is better looking than you and he has the sweetness, the genuineness, the kindness, and the humor. All you had was an ego that was bigger than your- you know. So you know what? buh bai," You say as both you and Ethan wave and everyone in the coffee shop claps.

He walks out of the shop looking pissed.

"I take it you are staying at my house tonight since you know- you broke up with not so big dick?" You nod.

"Anything for my girlfriend," He says pecking your cheek. 

I came into the coffee shop expecting to sing the blues, I sang my war cry and here I am, Safe from no dick with my fluffy blue haired boyfriend 10 seconds after I broke up with my ex.

A quick author's note-

As you guys could probably tell- this story had hints of emotional abuse in there. What I want to do is to educate you guys on emotional abuse in relationships, I grew up knowing Physical abuse- But never emotional abuse in relationships. I learned that reality my freshman year of high school and I want you guys to learn that this stuff isn't okay and you should break ties the second someone hints at being controlling and demanding- I.e- "You can only talk to me," or "Get over here right now," and secondly, maybe this will help some of you who have been through this type of stuff.

I am taking a break from requests, I have all the old ones done that I feel I can manage writing. If I didn't do yours that was requested from the old book you probably left either to vague or too descriptive of a request. It takes away the fun in writing when you tell me exactly what you want as a beginning, middle, and end. But I will start the new ones soon so if you want to request some stuff either send me an ask on Tumblr, PM me here or leave it in the comments.

But just another heads up all of my own ideas lately have been coffee shop related and so be prepared for a lot of coffee shop related stuff, some involving-


-"Wow he is a dick, here is a tip and my phone number,"

-"Can I have a croissant"

Lots of love especially after all the sweet messages! 


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