Babysitting going to Chaos

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Hey Y'all I am alive,

Sorry, I disappeared after clearly saying I was going to devote my break to writing. Plans changed really quick as my Grandpa was in the ICU and then passed away. I contemplating writing but I knew deep down I just needed to take time for myself. 

But I will try to update when I can! and before I begin, to those who sang- or shall I say are still singing Fergalicious in the comments, I love you all and that honestly made my day. 

This chapter will be based off my experience babysitting last night where I babysat 3 kids who were fighting sleep. Which I am sure you all can assume, things went to chaos. 


I have never been one to have my shit together, you always have the checklist people give you:

Grade School

Junior High

High School


Choose a job for the rest of your life

Get married

Have kids

I want my life to be an everyday adventure like when I would ride my little Razor scooter down the street with Ethan, I want to hide in the giant bush in the corner of our street and scare people. I want life to have a sense of every day is a different step of an adventure. Though the checklist is there, I want to add to it. 

I'm a senior in High school who doesn't have a job but babysits for her neighbor. Working to get her nanny license with a gap year can 1. Get her shit together, and 2. benefit my time during a gap year. 

(Insert ringtone here)

Y/n- Hey, What's up!

Mary- Hey  Y/n, My grandkids are in town and we were wondering if you can babysit them from 4 to 8?They are 2, 4, and 7.

  Y/n- Of course!

Mary- Great see you then!

Mary was my neighbor. Besides the Nestor family, she is like our family who has lived here all their life. She is that one person you know and can never be mad at. It is very hard to not love Mary and her family.

Now you are probably wondering who is Ethan and why I keep bringing up him and his family. Ethan Nestor was my neighbor and my crush all throughout growing up. He was a year older than me but that never stopped us from playing together and causing mischief in our neighborhood.

We were very close until he started High school, I went to one school, he went to another. He graduated this past year and is taking a gap year, but he moved to California. (A/n Yes I know he didn't necessarily take a gap year but roll with me here)

Every time I have talked to Mr. or Mrs. Nestor they both rave about how much he is loving it out there. In total honesty, I haven't seen him in 5 years. I have always wondered what type of man he had become. 

Besides the fact I am mopping around for someone who I haven't seen in 5 years, I start to make myself presentable because it is a Saturday night, we didn't have school yesterday and I look like garbage.

I shower and put on black skinny jeans, a black old navy v-neck with a maroon colored scarf and I move on to makeup and hair.

I blow dry my hair and pull it back into a ponytail because though I am growing my hair out, it always ends up in a ponytail anyway. I put color corrector on under my eyes because, after my experience with my substitute in class, I always hide my bags under my eyes now.

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