Story Update

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Hey Guys, 

Read the whole thing, please!

Many of you know me as PhantomHaley, but you can all call me Haley. I started writing on here as a way to get out of my own head, for my imagination to be set free and to create a safe place for myself and others to feel happy. It has been my absolute pleasure to be an author to two successful books. Bring it in kiddos, we are all family now.

Many of you are waiting to hear an update on this segment of imagines and it is unfortunate to let you know that this book will be noted as completed and will not be added to anymore. Many reasons have been accounted for when making this decision. The main reason is not having any inspiration for new imagines, I want to sit and write a novel, not a one shot. Additionally, with Ethan dating someone, I'd prefer to call it quits. I am so happy that he is happy and that is what I know all of us wanted for him. I want him and his girlfriend to create dreams and memories of their own for their own rather than me writing about them but taking his girlfriend out of the story- Does that make any sense? Anyways, I won't be deleting either book they will both just be marked as complete. 

However, if you guys want to continue to follow my writing journey, I started a story a long time ago originally making it about Ethan. It was originally called, "How he won my heart," and I am reviving that book and treating it as my own original novel. Meaning no pre-existing characters and a semi-original plot. I know a couple of you guys fell in love with my writing style and I won't ever be giving my writing up. My heart and soul is going to be poured into what is now called, "Together in Time," I am very proud of it and will definitely continue to edit and make it 10x better with every chapter. So writing from the PhantomHaley will not be ending, though I will not be writing about Ethan anymore. 

A big thanks to each and every one of you that supported me and my writing. You guys built me into a better happier person and a more skilled writer. Thank you for 3 lovely years of writing throughout these two books. I hope to see some of you guys on my new novel as well, I do read each and every comment though sometimes I forget to respond.

I love you all! 

Lots of love

-PH- PhantomHaley <3

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