I Scream, You Scream, We all scream because stuff is happening.

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First off want to say a huge thank you to everyone being so respectful of me taking a break. I love the past couple updates I have done, but I was so drained after writing them and it was 7 am normally when I finished, meaning I pulled an all-nighter. I ended up having a really bad breakdown and had to take a break from the internet entirely for a couple days (Besides actually going off into a rant on Tumblr) But besides that- Thank you all for being so supportive it means the absolute world to me. 

Now onto the story,

Recently I got a job at this Fro-yo place. They called it Fro-yo even though it was mainly ice cream. Though the past couple weeks of training I have met some really sweet regulars.

One was an Elderly gentleman who always brought his grandkids in for ice cream after a long church service much to their parent's delight. 

Another was a middle aged Women who loved to come in for Cookies and Cream ice cream. No one here has ever asked her why she loves it so much. According to my co-workers, she comes in at all hours of the day sometimes even twice- we are open until 2 am. Some think she may have an obsession, I say someone took a treat yo' self-day way too far.

Oh and Johnny, Johnny was a Senior in high school when he first started working here but when he went off to college he quit to be able to devote full time to school, so we sometimes see him late at night showing us he clearly is in finals week. He is a sweet kid and though I never got to work with him- it is great to see him

Then there was Ethan and his friends, Ethan was a blue haired boy who was clearly around my age who didn't need the sugar from Ice Cream yet would always get the biggest size we have. He always came in with his friends Mark, Matt, and Tyler. All of them were super sweet and when they met you on your first day of training, they left a very gracious tip. Not to mention the- "Y/n do you find this funny?" Ethan would scream followed by a  "Y/n please don't encourage him- he is showing us memes again," from Tyler only responded by Ethan grabbing his phone and running up to the counter to show you. You would always laugh much to his friend's dismay, causing a breakout in maniacal laughing from Ethan. Did I ever mention he got the biggest size of ice cream even though he doesn't need the energy? Yeah, he is a ball of energy. 

Today was my first day on the night shift alone. Kim, my manager, warned me that I may get a couple oddballs, drunks or stoned in the store. If they cause trouble I have to ask them to leave and if they don't leave I have to call the police. 

Alright... I got this. I only have to work from 10 PM to 2 AM... I can do this.

I walked into the shop to take over Kim's shift who had been covering for another employee who got really sick last minute- which, we all knew she really just wanted to go to Warped tour and forgot to request it off.

"Hey Kim, I am here to take over," You say with regret and hesitation in your voice.

"Hey Y/n!-" She says as you notice a blue head in the corner pop up at the sound of your name being said.

"You ready for your first night shift?" She says.

"I regret signing up for it, but I can't back out now you know?" She nods in agreement.

"I am happy to take you off of these types of shifts but at least try it for tonight, I doubt there will be that many crazies tonight," She says with a slight joke in her voice.

"Thanks, Kim," You say with sarcasm in your voice.

"Anytime dear! The only table we have so far is Ethan and his group so it should be relaxed for a bit!" She says screaming halfway out of the door.

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