Our baby... finally

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8 months of pregnancy will really mess you up. Back pain, pelvic/hip pain, vagina pain. It all feels like the end. Your body has decided to fuck this shit I'm out. But soon you are holding your baby girl, our little Riley.

What started as a fun night after working turned into crying together on the bathroom floor. Both of us filled with fear and joy. We weren't ready for a child. Is anybody really?

Ethan and I hooked up one night when filming a video with Mark, Bob, Wade and Tyler. Some call it stress relief but we called it resistance. When you stretch a rubber band. It resists but pulls snaps right back to its original form. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. We couldn't resist. We were drunk, we were tired, we had sex. As for if the elastic band breaks? That was our rubber breaking.

8 months pregnant and put on bed rest. Ethan is going to be involved in our baby's life but we will not be together. Having to hide the idea that Ethan is the father from Amy and Kathryn, to not tell Mark and all of them. I can't tell my work family, so he isn't a part of my family. 

I was laying in bed, watching Say Yes to the Dress sobbing. I would say thank you hormones but I did this before I was pregnant. My hands resting on my now mountainous baby belly. She wasn't as active as she normally is but hopefully that means she is working herself up for her big appearance.  I decide to lay down and take a nap. The pressure in my lower region is worse every single day. 

Then it started.

-Ethan's perspective-

"Mark lay in this area over here, we bring up the yellow tones in this shot and you are king of the Dandelions as well," Mark gives a thumbs up and lays in the dandelions.

"Hey guys, we gotta go," Amy says with Kathryn snatching her phone and freaking out.

"What's going on?" As if out of nowhere Tyler appears and asks. I mean I swear, that boy is what 8 feet tall? How are you so quiet?!

Amy just shakes her head as if tears are forming, Mark walks over and reads the text.

"I'm in labor. Baby is premature. I'm heading over in an ambulance. lots of blood," 

As if in an instant trance,  Mark starts packing things up swiftly, Tyler picking up on the mood change and repeating it.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" I say just always having to be the last person to know.

I get handed the phone and my heart drops. 

I motion for Amy and Kathryn to come with me in my car, leaving Mark and Tyler to take the other car and to finish cleaning up.

Tears were rolling down my face the whole ride to the hospital.

Please let Y/n and the baby be okay.

-Back to your perspective!- 

I'm in full blown labor at 8 months pregnant, the risks for me and the baby are high. I'm doing this all by myself. I'm not ready to be a single mother, but I can't handle losing my baby what if I can't handle the outcome of today. I can't do this. 

Tears are running down my cheek as I'm getting checked by doctors and nurses. 

Some have pity in their eye, some have the look of envy. 

I love Ethan and I love the baby, but I can't love someone who can't admit this is their baby.  We created this bundle of joy, a bundle of hell at the moment, but he can't even look me in the eyes when I get questions on how I'm feeling or what pregnancy is like. 

Contractions are in full swing and all I can do is clutch the railings of my bed and cry. 

Amy, Kathryn and the devil himself walked into my room. Seeing my two girlfriends who have never left my side when I needed them, I broke down. 

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