A Cranky Prom Night

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I can't even say hey, I need to say this first. I bawled my eyes out reading the comments from my #metoo chapter talking about my experience. You guys are all such kind souls and HECK I AM TEARING UP. You are all so nice and I was so incredibly down when I wrote that because no one believed me. My own mom said I was lying. To post that took lots of courage and I kinda just held my breath, I got 35 emails from wattpad. Private messages, comments, etc. all of you guys leaving support and love and I can't express, I can't even fathom and share how much that means to me. 

Thank you for showing me there is light in this dark world. <3

I love you all so so much.

This imagine goes out to all of the people who have been through hellish relationships and have been hurt. 

I love you all <3


The night of prom. The night that you party your ass off and realize that chances are 90% of your class just lost their virginity tonight. Welcome to High School kids buckle up because it's one hell of a bumpy ride. But let me backtrack for a second.

See that guy over there, that's Tyler, he is the hunk of the school that everyone wishes to be with. Next to him is Mark, Mark is a little... unique at times but I mean he has a dog so what's not to love. But this story isn't about them. It's about me and the tiny child behind them.

"HI ETHANNNN" I scream gaining a hand to be waved and a body flying around Mark and Tyler.

Have I ever mentioned how I love Grammarly and how it is incredibly accurate sometimes? 

NOT SPONSORED BY Grammarly though I wish.

That is Ethan, he is my best friend of 4 years

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That is Ethan, he is my best friend of 4 years. We met my Freshman year when I cried in the bathroom at Homecoming! My friends pegged it off as me being dramatic and walked away but he had the decency to wait outside for me and find out that I was confronted to talk to a stranger and panicked. We clicked at that moment, imagine an egg exploding. The explosion was Ethan and I was the egg shells going everywhere. But unlike Humpty Dumpty, we only exploded into thousands of pieces once. Then we couldn't get rid of each other.

"What's going on my main squeeze," He says in the stereotypical surfer voice.

"Good lord Ethan," You say with a laugh elbowing his arm.

A beeping noise sounds throughout the school. Gotta love announcements huh.

"Attention all students: Prom Bids are now up for sale,  get them in the main office," Says our very enthusiastic office secretary.

"So Y/n, are you taking your lonely ass to prom?" He asks.

"Wow, rude much. Probably though. Or I might stay home and eat a whole pizza by myself,"

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