My Fake Fiance

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That dreaded moment when you are out of the house and you notice that group of snobby bitches you always avoid at school. When you are a kid, you just hide behind your mom. But do you do when you not only are an adult, but your Ex-Boyfriend is with them? No place to hide, you just have to hold your breath and hope they don't try and talk to you.

"Oh hey, look guys it's Y/n! Hi Y/n," You hid your face hoping they think they have the wrong person.

"Oh please honey, I could tell it was you 5 minutes ago when I saw you walking down the street, get over here girl," The snobby Bethany who was the star athlete in high school calls.

"Oh heyyyyy didn't see you there," You say calmly shifting over towards them. 

"Sure you didn't," The other girl whose name I chose to blank on said.

"I am going to order my coffee," I say standing up.

"Well come right back, we want to catch up," Bethany said getting your ex's nod.

I stand up walking towards the counter and pretend to look at the menu while in actuality I am texting my roommate Ethan to come get me from this hell hole.

You- Ethan please come get me I am at that shitty coffee shop that we both always complain about but still always come back.

E- why do I need to save you and what do I get out of it?

 You- I will buy you a coffee and cook dinner tonight, please save me.

E- Why do you need saving?

You- You know when you I told you about Voldemort? 

E- Your Ex? That we don't speak of?

 You- yes, well he is kinda here and I don't know what to do, he is with the snobby bitches from my old school and they won't let me leave.

E- Okay your prince charming is on his way. But you owe me a jumbo-sized coffee. ;D

Thank god.

I take my sweet time ordering my coffee, I explain the situation and she said she will take her sweet time making my coffee.

Then it comes out and I have to face my personal hell.

I take a seat next to Bethany and all of the girls are nudging each other and laughing. 

"Oh sorry, we forgot you two dated, but that's okay, right? You are dating someone right?" She says with a bitchy tone.

I nod, but they all scoff as if they could see through my lie.

"You just couldn't move on from me huh?" Voldemort says.

My jaw drops as I start to stand up.

I am Not the scared little freshman anymore. I will stand up for myself. 

Before any words come out my mouth an arm wraps around my waist as someone kisses my cheek sneaking my coffee out of my hand. 

"Hey babe, I thought I wouldn't be able to find you, ready for our date?" I turn to meet Ethan's Hazel eyes as I nod with a gigantic smile. (I saw your comment whoever said it's hazel not blue. Mind you I write these late at night so my mistakes are understood)

I lean into his body, it was weird, you always hear those stories of, 

The day I met him, my body fits so well with his it was like it was meant to be. 

I am holding Ethan's hand, leaning into his body as he sips my coffee leaving everyone including myself shocked by what is happening.

"Babe you really need to learn to not drink these trash drinks, you need the real shit," He says looking down at my head on his shoulder. 

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