Have you ever been in Love

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How old were you when you first fell in love? For me, it was 1st grade, and his name was Maximus. Oh how I look back and cringe at that. Then it was Tyler then Kyle and then you get to a point of thinking. Why is love so painful? Why can love become so unfaithful and so incredibly hurtful that you feel like you don't deserve love. As if you don't belong to the world of love.

But that was in the past.

Years down the road you will meet someone who never fails to make you smile. Even when you feel like the world is ending.

For me, that is Ethan.

It started my Senior year, he was 2 years below me but I knew him from my theater workshop class. He truly was the missing piece of my heart.

Everyday we had lunch together and would bond walking to class. Heck he would wait for me before school just to talk. He made me feel as though love is something I misinterpreted.

Love isn't gained and held onto, it isn't something you just run into someone's arms screaming I love you. Love is realizing that being in someone's arms is home. Love is that warm feeling when someone goes out of their way to talk to you. Love is when they make you smile and laugh and vice versa. Love is introducing him to your friends and seeing in their eyes how they both interact so well and thinking... He is perfect to me.

Not that pain and hurt your last boyfriend brought. That is fake love. Why? Because true love isn't something you know until you are handing the real thing. The missing puzzle piece of your heart... cheesy enough yet?

I asked Ethan to our school dance as friends and I didn't know how much I wanted to go as a couple.

I bought a brand new dress.
I practiced how I would do my hair and makeup.
I practiced slow dancing because I knew the second I looked into those hazel eyes, I would be done for.

How did I not see it.

Friends jokingly saying, "Hey your boyfriend is looking for you" and thinking, "Boy do I wish."

The way he looks at me. My heart flutters.

That feeling in your stomach when someone says something really nice to you? Every time I think about him or see him. My heart goes soaring.

When I wake up. All I think about is him. When I go to bed all I think about is him. Whenever I'm in class, my mind flutters at the thought of him.
He isn't super tall but he is tall enough for me to be able to put my head against his chest in a hug and hear the sound of his heartbeat. The heartbeat that never fails to calm me down.

Am I his missing puzzle piece?

The dance is coming up and only time will tell. But no one has ever made me truly feel this way.

He redefined love and created a new for me and god I can't get him out of my mind.

True love for me. Was in Ethan's arms.

He isn't perfect. But to me he is my world.

Hey all,

Thank you all for such sweet comments on my update post. I have decided to keep updating but not as frequently.

For all of my discord server members. Between you and I, you can probably guess who I am talking about truly in this (don't say it) but for anyone wondering I wrote this based of something I am going through right now. The feeling of actual love after an abusive relationship.

But anyways!!

Lots of love!

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