I just want to go to Disneyworld

622 19 15

6 hours. 6 hours since our plane was supposed to go up. It was my mom, dad, my twin 3-year-old sisters and I and we have been up since 3 AM. I am going insane. Wait. Who is he?

Across from our space was a group of guys, a tall guy- sculpted for the gods, A tiny angry man and possibly the cutest guy I have ever met before. Oh shit, they are coming over here. 

"Do you mind if we sit over here?" The sculpted man said charmingly.

I nod with a smile as they get situated directing my attention to my phone when the tiny angry man slams his body into the chair next to me. 

"Hey so I am Mark, that he-man looking dude over there is Tyler... oh and that's Ethan," I nod putting names to faces.

"I'm Y/n," I say with a smile.

"How long have you been here, you look exhausted," Taylor asks... or at least I think his name is Taylor... I am really bad with names.

"6 hours and counting. Not to mention two 3-year-olds," I say pointing to the angry children behind me. 

They go wide-eyed,

"Wherever you guys are going, chances are the flight is delayed, the weather is nasty,"

"Well, to make up for sleep deprivation we will leave you alone," Mac says moving to the other side of chairs whispering.

Soon a young lady around my age walks over asking them what on earth they are doing. Only to shrug and ask to sit next to me.

"Hi I'm Amy, I'm sure you already met the trio," I nod.

She gets closer to me,

"Any idea what they are planning?" I shake my head.

"No idea, he said to make up for sleep deprivation we will leave you alone then started plotting," She nods in understanding. 

"Whatever it is, roll with me, I know my way around this stuff," she says with a mischievous smile. 

"So Ethan, you have been single for a while right? Ever thought of dating someone?" Matt says quite loudly causing the attractive guy to blush.

"Yeah? Why does this matter to you?" he asks, and holy crap his voice is Oreos.

"I'm going to find you a girlfriend," Mick says standing up causing Ethan to shake his head.

"How about Mildred over there?" (Mildred is what I named my icon by the way) 

"Mark stop,"

"Mark you are making him uncomfortable, please stop," Amy says.

"How about these cute little ladies," Gesturing to my sister's. He smiles at their current non-devil faces.

Then moves to me.

"How about y/n? It's not like you haven't been raving about her from the other end of the airport," March says. 

His face goes full tomato.

"Is that a yes?" Amy turns to you with a grin, "I am dating Mark, I was a part of this,"

I facepalm as Amy just keeps saying, "Ethan!" 

Soon enough Ethan is sitting next to you and the rest of them had left.

"Sorry about them," He says in a low whisper.

"It's okay, but talking about me now huh?" I say with a wink.

"I think you are gorgeous," he says with a smile.

"Good thing I think the same of you," I say.

"Quick coffee date? My treat?" I nod.

We both leave to go get Coffee, turns out we were both going to Florida.

I just wanted to go to Disneyworld but got something even better.


Author's note-

I am very tired, it is 3:30 AM here, this imagine sucked but I did it anyway.

Goodnight everyone.


Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine!

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