CrankyVlogs 2.0

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First off, thank you all for being so chill with my mess up about the Tumblr. I have an account personally but instantly set it to un-searchable since I have an ongoing fear of a family member finding my Tumblr wondering what on earth is wrong with me and I did that with this account too not realizing oh hey, they kinda need to search for the account. But like I said before, I have fixed it since then and it is up to go! 

This was a request FROM the Tumblr! Don't know why I capitalized from but hey! Go check the Tumblr out! Information at the bottom of this imagine!

Here is the request: "Could you do something where the reader and Ethan live together and he starts bringing you into videos more and more often, and people were super supportive to the point where they wanted you to make your own channel. And you decided to make a vlog channel for you and Ethan and the main channel where they post covers and stuff. Ethan gets like sarcastically upset that the vlog channels are like CrankyVlogs 2.0 and he comments on all your videos. Idk just like fluffy vlog stuff would be so cute."

Let's give them a hand because they are so patient. Not only did I respond to their ask later than normal but I also kept procrastinating everything and now it is 10 PM and I am choosing to do this then my makeup math homework. In the time I have gotten that ask and to sit down to write it, I have done laundry, cooked dinner, played with my dog x5 times and showered. 

Bless your heart, thank you for dealing with my scatter brain head.

Check them out! They are Dclover26 and they have a story here on Wattpad! Show them some love! <3

Also, thank you for requesting this because this gave me a reason to re-watch the cranky vlogs. <3

"Y/n!!!" My loud ass boyfriend screams making me drop the groceries I was carrying.

"Fuck dude why. We are inside, inside voices," his expression doesn't change from his constant excited face. 

"I will help you with the groceries, but you are joining my stream," he says pecking you on the cheek running out to the car.

I can't help but smile seeing him. Not just because we are dating, but because he runs like a baby gazelle. 

Funny thing to envision huh? Now imagine running with groceries in his hands and his hair flip flooping everywhere.

That is my boyfriend for you.

We go upstairs together to a flooding chat.

Ethan and I had filmed together once before and had a positive response but never got around to filming again.

"I was streaming and they wanted to see you," He says kissing your cheek causing you to smile into the touch of his lips.

"Here she is!" He pauses and turns to you.

You pause for a second forgetting you are on camera, "Oh yeah, whoops! It's me!" You both break into a laughter.

"I am here with my Girlfriend, Y/n for anyone who just joined," He says smiling wrapping his arm around you.

You guys begin to read the chat and many are saying 'Ethan sing!!' Some are requesting games, but many are saying that you are beautiful.

"Wow thank you guys, but the really beautiful one is Ethan who just took the groceries in running like a gazelle," You say causing laughter from Ethan.

"Am I pretty Gazelle?" He says between laughs.

"Yes Ethan, you are a pretty Gazelle," You say ruffling his hair.

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