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It was October 2017, I had been looking to this dance since August and the reason why I have been living at the mall trying to find a dress. 

See, Homecoming is the day where you grow up thinking everyone dresses up, they dance and the people who normally put minimal effort in- which I personally prefer the term Maximum comfort, can prove to others that Hey I am hot shit too... but realistically more like a Hot shit trainwreck.

Freshman year begins and you have your date that you asked yourself because you didn't want to go alone and no one would ask the hot shit trainwreck. You soon realize what homecoming actually is.

Grinding circle.

An intense headache the second you walk in the door.

At least 1 underclassman doing stupid shit, which you mistakenly brought yourself freshman year.

A photo booth where if there are more than 2 people the picture is wonky with green splotches.

At least one girl crying in the bathroom about how their date was being a jerk to them and or left with another girl. Which was yours truly, not once, but twice. (True fact.

Here is the story of how I got left alone at homecoming by my date and then left with a better one.

I put on my dress which was white with black accents that flattered my body well alongside black heels. 

My hair was done up in an 'I did this myself from a youtube video and I know for a solid fact it looks nothing like it should but I just jammed a bunch of bobby pins in and hoped for the best,' 

My makeup was what I like to call my signature, 'I put too much of this color so we are going to blend the shit out of this and hope it works out.'

For a hot shit trainwreck, I looked alright! I was going with someone I really cared about, (Insert name of a person you liked and regret majorly) and it was him, our two friends and myself. 

Soon enough, he was picking me up for the dance and I get bombarded with "You look so pretty!!" from his mom. I can't help but look down at the corsage and smile, secretly, I really liked (name). 

We take pictures in front of the beautiful pillars in front of the museum and then head to dinner. I thought things were going fine when in reality, it was going downhill fast.

He and I arrive at the dance around 20 minutes after the dance had started. Little did I know I would walk in with him and then not walk out.

I told him that I would be back in a second and ran to say hi to my friend and I turned around and he was gone. 

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

30 minutes.

45 minutes pass and he is nowhere to be found.

I sit alongside my friend thinking oh he is probably somewhere doing something.

She took her phone out and called him, she walks away to talk almost knowing something was up.

--The Phone Call from your friend's perspective--

"Dude where did you go? Y/N can't find you anywhere." She asked.

"I left with (ex-friend's name) I got bored and didn't feel like staying," he says nonchalantly.

"You never told Y/n you were leaving, second she was looking forward to this dance for weeks and you blow her off for another girl? How could you do this to her? What did she do to you?" At this point, she was screaming.

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