Updates+ Requests + Rules for requests

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Hey Y'all


 I am now open to doing things regarding serious topics with putting a trigger warning in, however, any of the ones I do will take me more time than a regular imagine would. The reason being, I don't want it to be just sadness with a period at the end.  I want it to be realistic sadness but then bringing some hope and support in and to ensure that happens, I will take longer on those imagines for that very reason.


I am now opening requests up again since I am no longer MIA! However please read the rules I am going to list below for my own organization and writing purposes.


1. I am not writing smut. No Bueno.

2. Yes, I am open to writing serious topics. However, for everyone's comfort including myself, please just put the topic rather than an entire idea. I.E- Put "Eating disorder" instead of like "Ethan finds this out and then Y/n is like aaa and then". Please just put a topic for the safety and comfort of myself and others. 

3. If I do not approve of what you requested, I will not do it.

4. In the comment with the request, write if you want to have that imagine dedicated to you and or PM'd when it is up.

-I will try my best to write it to the best of my abilities

-If for whatever reason I did not write it, please know I will eventually get to it, I am in fact a high school Senior going into Pre-Med. When I am not on break I am a ball of stress.

-If you were the first comment requesting something and I did someone else's first, I will get to it I promise, chances are the one I did first, was a topic I didn't have to think much on/ wouldn't take me long to write. 

Comment down below!


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