Uteruses before Duderuses... but you are a Duderus

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Inspo for this title was Fall out Boy and Parks and Rec.

Ethan and I have always been best buddies, his friends were my friends and vice versa.

We had many pacts and guidelines, to say the least:

1 -No friend or fish will be left behind or you shall be left to pump your own car tire. 

2 -A bad day is always pizza night. No burgers, just pizza.

3 -Pizza night is a friend day, no crying into a half-empty pizza box watching Dance Moms alone. (me)

4 -if you eat sushi and don't invite Ethan. Someone will be getting sacrificed soon.

5 -Pianist does sound like penis but for the sake of Ethan's peanut allergy, peanut is a peanut.

We wrote most of them when we were six, however, #5 was recent... But in my defense, people pronounce it weird and it makes me laugh okay? Fight me.

We both grew up with this unsparked potential. We would dream of the day he would move into a house and have a million dogs while I dreamed of the day I would have a million cats. His dream changed wanting to pursue youtube and move to LA. Mine changed slightly.

I dream still of owning one helluva home with a million cats of course. But I dreamed to one day meet my Jim Halpert to my Pamela Beesley. I wanted to settle down and to start a family. But eh, we are high school seniors... I have time as much as I want to rush it.

I had a boyfriend of my own actually, his name is Mick and he is a character... Ryland Adams? Y'know Shane Dawson's boyfriend. They are  personality twins. Not much else to say about him, but if you compare anybody to Ryland you know they are cool.

Ethan has a girlfriend too! I know, wild child Poppy watch out- Ethan has a partner in crime! Her name is Julia, but she goes by her middle name. She is sweetiepie Ryan to us. Though when she is being cranky, Ethan makes jokes about how they were meant to be because yknow, Cranky = Cranky crew = Crankgameplays, while we just call her Julia when she is cranky. We all- including her laugh at the name Julia. Not because Julia is a bad name. We just can't see her as a Julia, she is Ryan to us. 

Eating lunch isn't really the same knowing we are all going our separate ways soon. I mean, thank goodness for getting out of this hell hole, but everyone is going quite literally their separate ways. Different states and different countries I mean, MATT IS GOING TO FREAKING FRANCE- and Tyler is going to Brazil. What the hell, when did we say you guys could be all adventurous without us. 

Everyone is talking about prom, this Saturday. Ethan and Ryan, Mick and I, Matt and Tyler are going together to scope out "The babes," plans are set. Dresses and suits are bought. Coursages are ordered, boutineers are ordered. Energy drinks and coffee gift cards in hand? We are ready.

-3 days later and in Ethan's perspective-

"Wassup you thicc bois- where is Y/n? It isn't like her to miss school 3 days in a row unless there is a test," Everyone just nods with me as if they were hiding something.

I just continued to eat my applesauce. Maybe she was already getting ready for prom. She was always a 'The Hype Mcgee' of all of us.

It was silent that day, the day before and the day prior to that. She always got us talking.

I pull my phone out and dial her number walking out into the hallway. As if on cue, she sent me to voicemail as I looked up and saw the love of her life sucking face with UGH- Mackenzie. (If your name is Mackenzie, I can assure you- Ethan loves you)

friend code- #1 No one is left behind. I walked out the door no one watches and hopped into my car and drove to her house.

I prefer to knock and ring the doorbell. However I do it to the tune of 'The Final Countdown' after breaking her doorbell 4 times, her mom gave me a key. I walked into her house and her parents weren't home. Chances are they don't know what happened.

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