The Stages of Grief-Part:1

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Important Author's note-

This Imagine is dedicated to a lovely reader who is going through grief during the holidays after having a miscarriage. 

So before you read, yes this imagine talks about grieving and having a miscarriage. However, I want to give a couple statistics and pieces of information on what a miscarriage is. 

Miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy within the first 20 weeks. 15 to 20 percent of pregnancies end through miscarriage. You begin to bleed like you are getting your period but it is heavier than normal. You have extreme cramping and you feel very sick. Miscarriages are sadly very common and affect many people in their lifetime. 

Holidays, in general, are very hard for anyone grieving, I can only imagine how hard it would be to miscarry and go through the holiday season. So when this lovely young lady messaged me asking if I can write this for her, of course, I was 110% down. 

She does not know I am putting this part in, but I think we all need to give her a bucketful of support in the comments, you are such a wonderful person and I can tell that from the small conversations I have had with you that you are a kind hearted strong young lady. You are such a strong individual and I wish only the best for you. I know you can make it through the holiday season and if you ever need to talk to someone, my PM's are always open.

I wish you all the love, honey and happy holidays. <3


They always say when you find out you are pregnant to hold off until your first trimester. I never understood that. I am pregnant and I am excited, why not share the news?

We had been married for 3 years, Ethan and I always wanted kids. So the morning I found out I was pregnant, my mind went to chaos trying to figure out how to tell him. 

You know those Gamer 1 and Gamer 2 shirts you see in the clothing section of Walmart? That is how I surprised him. He was editing a video when you walked in with the back mysteriously in a happy birthday bag because that is all you had. Inside was the shirt and onesie, and the pregnancy tests that you took over and over reminding yourself, it's a positive test.

You handed him the gift and before opening it his face lit up with a suspicious smile, both I have no clue what you are up to, but is it a puppy type of smile.

You take a seat next to him and he begins to open before you know it he is jumping up screaming,

"Y/N!! YOU ARE PREGANANANT" He wraps your body in a hug and kisses your flat stomach.

As the weeks progressed, Ethan was always by my side. Every headache, every ache, every vomit session. He was always there. We were very happy and looking forward to our little baby to get here. We were a couple weeks before finding out the gender when things went wrong.

Ethan was at the office filming with Mark, while you stayed home to sleep a little more from a headache when your cramps intensified. These weren't normal, these were excruciating pains. I went to go take a bath to relieve the pains only to realize that there was spotting.

I decided to call my doctor who scheduled me in immediately.

I go to call my husband and his phone goes to his nonexistent voicemail box. So I went to call Amy, she didn't pick up either but I left a voicemail, she was the only other person who knows. Actually... no one told her. She made a pregnancy joke and Ethan immediately looked at me saying, "SO YOU COULD TELL AMY BUT I COULDN'T TELL MY PRESIDENT, TYLER SCHEID? NOTHING BUT RESPECT FOR MY PRESIDENT," Let's just say, that was a long day.

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