Story Update + Poll

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Poll is at the bottom. Please give me an answer so I know!

Good Day Everyone,

Sorry about disappearing after saying I promise to update more. I clearly underestimated Senior year kicking my butt. But I am on break until the 8th of January and I am ready to knock out a couple updates since... well... I am not in school where I am so stressed and tired I am going to bed at 8 pm... meaning, I am okay with messing my sleep schedule up for updating for the next 3 weeks.

I read some of your sweet messages wishing that everything is okay since I hadn't updated in a long time and I really appreciate it! Not to mention, I read every single comment written in my writing and notice every new follower I get. (I get email notifications and have a Wattpad folder in my email so it is separated) With me being MIA for several months I am really happy to see my writing didn't 100% die.


For a while now I have wanted to write on the topic of Eating disorders and depression with Ethan being the support system because something I do is when I am struggling is I watch his videos and it brings me some comfort and support. 

I wanted your opinions on it, If I were to post an imagine or a chapter on these topics, which I would definitely put a trigger warning at the beginning, but the reason I ask this is I don't want to write this if I am not executing it to the absolute best and safest it can be for others. As someone who struggles with an ED and depression and more recently had my best friend try to commit suicide, I want to make this the absolute safest it can be because I know firsthand stuff like this even if you feel you are alright, it still effects you.

So if trigger warnings are good enough as a warning, then let me know,

 if it isn't and you have an idea feel free to PM me or leave a comment, 

if it isn't a good idea period to write this then tell me straight up! 

But yeah!! I'm back!

Lots of Love-


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