Oil your Dough (Requested)

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To everyone messaging me saying not to worry and come back when I feel 100%, though I am not 100% I just want to do something and get out of the sadness for a bit. But I really appreciate your concern and I understand where you are coming from. <3

Amy, Kathryn and I stood behind the camera watching Mark make dick jokes the entire time making his 'Pizza dick' rambling about something about his dad's ass- anyways his pizza looks like a bread texture? It isn't even cooked yet. Then there was Tyler who is silent, stone face lives up I guess. I mean, so far his pizza looks like an actual pizza dough so that is good.

Then there was Ethan. 

My Blue Boi Ethan.

My Blue haired boyfriend making... that. 

Note to self- Teach him to cook so he doesn't get pummelled in these competitions so harshly... and so he doesn't burn down our apartment.

Ethan why- Why does your pizza dough look like a biscuit.



I turned to Amy and Kathryn, 

"Tyler is our last hope," We all shake our heads.

"I am doing a play on the ricotta filled crust," We look at each other again. 

"Maybe no one is safe," We all laugh as the guys question us.

"My pizza symbolizes my journey through childhood and the stone-" He says waving his hand across the kitchen island.

"Here we see the complex shape of a heart, this will soon be cut and shown that love has broken inside of me and has regrown into a plentiful field of cheese- which we all know is the way to Amy's heart besides aliens and an Iced Dark Roast Coffee from Dunkin Donuts." He says blowing Amy a kiss. 

"And here-" Wow he is still going on this.

"Here is its freckles of Spinach (?) symbolizing the stone and it's full glory. Here is it's white cheese which is definitely not an innuendo to something else. Oh and here is a mushroom. That is its dick," Ethan cracks up laughing as we look at each other and try to hold back our laughs.

"Well, mine is the take on the most controversial pizza and my personal favorite- the Ham and Pineapple," He says while motioning Amy to hand him the ham.

"OH GOD IT LOOKS LIKE MY PORES," He screams as Mark backs away saying something about a phobia of sorts as we all break into laughter.


You walked behind him and hugged him. 

"I love your pores," I say to him making him pull you in front of him.

"Oh yeah, here is Y/n- they are Ethan's girlfriend," Oh yeah this was your first time on camera you did a little wave as Ethan's arms enveloped you. 

-Cut to getting the pizza's out of the oven-

"Bring in the judges- Oh wait Y/n never left," Mark says with a smirk.

First, you guys tried Tyler's which was good but very gooey.

Then you moved next to Ethan as you tried Marks which was oddly good? But very Floury.

You took a bite of Ethan's and immediately regretted agreeing to this.

Note to self- immediately teach Ethan how to cook.

"How is it babe?" he says wrapping his arm around your waist. 

"It's really good!" You lied and as Ethan turned his head away to brag you shook your head no to the camera. 

That was all the filming for the day so you just chilled and waiting for Ethan to finish editing the video. 

"Okay y/n we can head out," He says as he grabs his jacket and your hand.

He gets really close to your ear.

"I saw you didn't like my pizza," He whispers in your ear.

"It tasted like flour and salt," You whisper back into his ear.

"Well there goes all my cooking confidence," He says in a loud and proud blue boi tone.

"Do you want me to teach you how to cook?" 

"You are just as bad as I am I bet. I mean you are dating me who lives off take out soo-" 

"I took 3 health classes and 2 culinary classes in High school and if I can teach my friend who thought if it takes 10 minutes to bake at 350 degrees that no she can't set it to 700 degrees and cook it in 5, I can surely teach you," He nods.

"But when?" Ethan asks, unsure to tell if he is joking or not.

"Ethan we live together." His face makes an 'o' face and he nods.

"Oh yeah, how could I forget I live with my gorgeous girlfriend." 

"How could I forget I live with my handsome boyfriend who can't cook for the life of him," He hugged me then realized what I said. 

"Oh it is on Girlfriend," He says.

"Bring it, Boyfriend," I say in retaliation. 

The rest of the night I taught him some quick recipes, he was dedicated to learn to cook and 'prove me wrong' were his words but- he kinda burnt a cutting board and I don't know how so- clearly we have some more work to do.

"Oh and Ethan?" He looks into your eyes.

"Don't put Olive oil on your dough. The crust yeah, but not where the sauce goes,"

"And here I thought you were going to say something serious," Ethan laughs pulling you closer into his warm embrace.

This was a hard request to do but hopefully, it is good enough. I tried my best with what I could.


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