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"i can't go up there!"

"why not? you can do it."

"um, hello! i still have a fear of heights. that doesn't go away over night."

"do you know how many times i've been on it? it's so beautiful from up there!"

"jess!" i whine as she pulls me closer to the beautiful death trap named the london eye. "it might be beautiful but it won't be when we get stuck at the top."

"hana, you're coming with me whether you like it or not."

believe it or not, jess is most likely the only person to make me do this and i'll do it. yes, i went on it and you wouldn't believe me when i say that i liked it.

"how come you didn't make me come up here sooner?" i ask as i grin down at the ant-like people below us. "it's so amazing up here."

"i don't know what i was thinking," she sarcastically says before sighing and grinning at me.

she drives us back to her house, since i obviously can't drive on the left side of the road, but makes several stops along the way. stop number one was at the gas station. stop number two was at some grocery store that i didn't get the time to look at because i was texting someone. stop number three was at one of her friend's house, and stop number four was at a bakery.

when she pulled onto her street, i estimated that at least ten cars were parked outside her house. i then turn and give jess one of my many confused glances.

"why does it look like you're throwing a party?"

"because i am," she closes her eyes and smiles before getting out and grabbing all of the bags and running into the house.

i roll my eyes and grab the cake before shutting the doors and walking up the driveway and inside her house. as my left foot steps inside, a familiar voice screams my name. if it weren't for him also running to me, the cake would've fallen on the ground and not into his arms.

"ashton!" my voice shouts over the loud voices of literally everyone in this house.

not thinking about the cake that i'd be crushing, i wrap my arms around his waist and hug him. why his waist? because he's tall and i'm short.

the hug only lasts for, like, two seconds before i'm ripped away from the 23 year old and into the arms of many of his other band mates, including my favorite: luke hemmings.

"is this the reason why you took me sightseeing?"

"yeah," jess shrugs, "they didn't want you to be here and did actually want you to explore the city."

well, that's sweet.

the rest of the night was everyone partying as if tomorrow is their last day alive, and me sitting and watching everyone like the creeper i am *insert smiley face.* oh my god, yes i actually said that. oh my god, i am talking to myself. okay, this is weird and i'm going to get some alcohol... why am i telling this to myself?

Obviously fake bc he's in LA 🙄 but boom I updated and am listening to Try Hard. Peace. Oh and happy 23rd birthday ASHTON I LOVE YOU. 7/7/17

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