Reservations [FULL]

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Welcome to the reservations of Author Games: Circle! These games will consist of twenty spots, all of which will be neutral so that you may choose whatever gender you feel works best. (Preferably there won't be all twenty females.)

When reserving you will be given 48 hours to hand in your form before your time runs up. You have the chance to re-reserve once for an additional 24 hours, but after that, you will not be allowed to reserve again. After a first form is received, you are allowed to reserve a second.

That being said please remember to PM your reservation! These games are to be anonymous and as such it's important to keep your character a secret. If a comment is left on this spot asking for a reservation it will be deleted.

Spot 1: Ivy Devlin

Spot 2: Alloy Pirrie

Spot 3: Elliot Kroll

Spot 4: Robin Laverne

Spot 5: Mariposa Diwata

Spot 6: 方慜恩 Jolynn

Spot 7: Lilia Gingerfoot

Spot 8: Verena Ignotus

Spot 9: Mister Smith

Spot 10: Kenneth Young

Spot 11: Camden Fisher

Spot 12: Shadi Issa

Spot 13: Stellaphane Queen

Spot 14: Saga Ström

Spot 15: Hannah Abney

Spot 16: Veridian Payne

Spot 17: Eva Knott

Spot 18: Bartholomew Haroldson

Spot 19: Mary Brendan

Spot 20: Flynn Rhoads

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