Task Eight | Four Freedoms

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"She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom." ~The Scarlet Letter

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They hoped, and they hoped, and they hoped; unfortunately, like most things discussed over the course of this long and terrible night, hope wasn't enough, and a girl with a future alongside a boy with an ingenious mind were told without words that they were next to go.

Lilia Gingerfoot (as written by @ annie1loves1you)

Camden Fisher (as written by @ Enchantresses)

It got colder after that. And, though some had sweaters and coats of fur to keep them warm, they just couldn't get rid of that frigid air deep in the marrow of their bones. Their time here was about to end very, very soon.

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Congratulations to those of you who have made it all the way up to this point. We've had a lot of strong competitors in these games, but you've earned your places here. That being said, this will be our final task, so let's go out with a bang.

You are all back in the Circle. Now, only four individuals remain, and the judgment of others is over. It is now every person for themselves, and it is up to you to try and vote the other three out. The first elimination should be easy - the majority goes, unless there's a tie, in which that whole process has already been explained in the first task.

We did say, however, that once it came down to three, things would change.

You must include one final memory into this entry - you don't have to write the memory, but you may if you wish - which will be your "case." A case for why you deserve to make it out of the Circle. Your "memory" will be judged by whoever or whatever is behind the Circle itself.

Additionally, once - if - you are released from the Circle, you must write what you find waiting for you outside. This, of course, is all up to your own creative liberty, so do whatever you will with this. Even if it's just them staring forlornly off into the distance like the season finale of some really intense Netflix Original Series.

And that's that. Essentially, how they get out, and what they find when they get out.

However! We've got one last theme for you to incorporate into your entries.

Theme: Freedom

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Tuesday, September 19th, at 4:00 pm PST/ 7:00 pm EST. Note the time change.

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As per usual, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of us. Additionally, if all four of you end up sending in your entries before the due date, that means everything goes up even sooner. It's a pretty long deadline, so that might just end up happening. 

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