Name: Ivy Devlin
Gender: Female
Age: Ninety-Nine
Location: Born in Dublin, but currently resides in Dunseverick, Northern Ireland with her daughter.
Occupation: Ivy's been retired for quite some time now. That being said, her experience in the workforce consists mainly of jobs in the medical field. These have ranged from a nurse, optometrist, a (very) brief job as a surgeon, and then one of those doctors who gives physicals (the memories are hazy even to her; that, or she doesn't necessarily care anymore, which is most likely). She's enjoyed them for the most part, she supposes; to this day, parents in Dunseverick still recommend any new children to visit Dr. Devlin for eyeglass prescriptions and the cheapest cold medicine in town! Don't get her wrong, she's still retired, but who says she can't be helpful?
Physical Appearance: There comes a time in every person's life where they stand in front of the mirror and whisper to themselves, "Wow." Whether this is good or bad is all up to the circumstances of the individual, but for Ivy, her daily morning wake-up routine has always consisted of standing in front of the mirror for a good amount of time (ungodly amounts of time, in her daughter's opinion) and saying, "Still got it!" with a smile on her face and a song in her heart. On occasion, she calls herself "Dunseverick's very own living prune" and for good reason, too. Wrinkles and odd-fitting skin cover her face; her smile lines are the most prominent example of time's effect on her face. Her eyes are still the same pale blue they were the day she was born, and her hands, although wrinkled and laced with veins, carry a liveliness rarely seen in those her age. Her weight has never been an issue; Ivy considers her body to be the envy of all women her age in Dunseverick. She goes out every Saturday to get her silver hair styled in the nearby town of Ballycastle by her friend Betty. Time has been kind to her in the sense that she hasn't been affected by an illness or whatnot, but she's still an old woman; she's frail and occasionally uses a cane. All in all, however, she's superbly healthy for someone her age.
Personality: If you haven't already guessed, Ivy's prideful in a way that would seem highly annoying if it wasn't for her age. She's one to say things like, "I'm not one to boast" and then immediately brag about her wonderful figure, career, and child (often in that order). Cut her some slack, though; most of the time, Ivy thinks that the advice she's giving is helpful, not patronizing as it so often is. The recipients of her advice (and most of the town) try to keep this in mind, but sometimes they'll let something slip out of their thoughts and out of their mouths. When this happens, Ivy is sometimes genuinely hurt, as she does not often realize the error of her ways. She likes to think that she's trying to become more compassionate, but is not always open to critiques on her attitude and behavior. Her excuses usually rest upon the basis that she's grown arrogant from living so long. Those who are put in charge of arguing this point with her have grown tired of hearing it. Ivy, however, is still appreciated around the town for her advice (when it isn't so self-centered) and for her medical help. Her age has not yet played a part in her mental health; she remains sound in mind but is sometimes forgetful of small details.
Values: She values what she doesn't have; however, these values rarely take the form of physical objects (i.e money) and instead consist of character traits such as patience, selflessness, and compassion.
Other: Ivy's never been married! Her undying loyalty belongs to her wonderful cat, Whiskey. They sit on the couch together and watch old TV shows starring Betty White.
Author Games: Circle
General FictionChoices. They dictate the path of life we lead; every decision, every compromise, every battle - won or lost - changes the course. The question becomes: have you made enough of the right choices? Do you deserve to be saved? And when forced to have y...