a tutor

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maggie's pov
last week of school here i come.
i walk into math and i see daniel staring me up and down.he nudges his friend jack and he wolf whistles at me.

"shut up man whore"i said and took my seat next to daniel as jack was in front of his.

"i like the new name"daniel winks.

"i don't even know why i got seated next to you."i glare at him and pull out my phone as the teacher called my name and asked what the answer was i wasn't even paying attention.i just know the answer.i was scrolling through instagram

all of a sudden i heard the bell.on my way to english daniel tried to trip me but i just stepped on his clean white shoes, making them dirty
"oops you got a little something on your shoe"i laugh and take my seat in english

soon enough it was the end of the day and by the way my mom and daniels mom are best friends and they call eachother sister and don't get me wrong i love daniels mom but the fact that me and daniel have to be neighbors?ugh.
•walking home from school•

daniel catches up to me
"hey mags!"he said in a nice tone.
"what!and don't call me that."i said in a pissed way.
"wow just trying to be nice here."he walked on my side looking away.
"i don't get it!at school you are such a douche that i don't know but at home you act like you actually want to be my friend.where are you going with this?apparently it's taking you nowhere."i shouted.

Daniels POV
"i have a problem. i promise ill make up for it." I said.

she looked at me in an angry confused way.

"what now?"she said.

"i kinda told my mom you would be coming over for dinner and i'll tell you there see ya at 6:45!" i ran into my house before she could say anything else.

"hey mom"i kissed her on the cheek.

"hey daniel.so what are we thinking for dinner?"i grabbed out the pasta boxes and alfredo sauce and handed it to my mom.she nodded and got to cooking.

me and maggie used to be bestfriends in 1st grade all the way to 9th but then i started to be a douche because popularity took me over.

she knows that i can sing but what she doesn't know is that i'm in a band and i guess i'm not planning on telling her.maggie always used to say she couldn't sing ever since her dad passed because they used to sing together all of the time.

*knock knock*

Maggie's POV
daniels mom opened the door.
"hey sweetie come on in, we need to have a talk so get seated at the dinner table."
"thanks for dinner it's was great"i said
she smiled and then broke the silence.

"could you do me a favor?"i nodded and i thought she would say something like wash the dishes cause i'm basically her daughter almost but she said something i never wanted to hear.

"can you tutor daniel?"
my eyes got wide and i stared into daniels blue eyes and signaled that i was talking to him later.

"sure anything for you Mrs. Seavey."i let out a fake smile and went home.

"i know it's the last week of school but i can't go on tou- i can't go somewhere with at least one A!"daniel begs.

"only because i said yes to your mom.what freaking class do you want to have an A in?"i asked annoyed at the sound of his voice.

"music."my head snapped in his direction.i mean i know he sings but anything else would be way easier than that.
"i- ugh fine i'll help you in 6th period but don't talk to me in any other period."he smirks.
5 period-
"hey mags"corbyn said.I looked over."Corbean!!my bean is back!i missed you bestfriend"i smiled.

"awe i missed you too how is jonah?"he asked

"he's bad at keeping me company but i love you guys anyways."i earned a glare from jonah and a laugh from corbyn.

let me just say that corbyn and jonah are in a band but i don't know what it's called he said that his friends are in it too but they won't tell me who.
me and corbyn also have all classes together so it's been lonely without him.

i walk into sixth period and see zach.
"hey zach"i say

they all have sweet sides but they only show it out of school or when no one is looking except  jonah and corbyn because they are too sweet.

"aye maggie what up"he says trying to act cool i chuckle and walk to where daniel is.

"play me the best song you know."he looks confused but starts playing but he fails

"really?you are failing  this class so get your act together"i look at his blue eyes.

"Well i don't know what i'm doing wrong to fail this class."daniel asked obliviously.

"really seavey?maybe it's because you are always in that corner making out with sluts in our school?"i said pointing to the corner.
-practice over-
i walk into my room and i text the group chat

mag and cheese❤️-hey jonah and bean wanna come over and watch a movie?
jo jo (potato wedges)🥔i'm down!
zacchini🥒-where's my invite
noodlehead🍜-lol i'm coming anyways
dani(sh pastry)🍞-on my way

i sighed knowing all of the boys were coming even tho i only wanted potato and bean to come over they all walked in and jonah and bean sat beside me while we watched the boy.I leaned on corbyns shoulder and fell asleep.

first chapter? i tried to make it long❤️how should this story go?ooh good luck going on tour daniel!

here's my dani boy ❤️

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