maggie ❤️

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i looked up and saw...

daniel.great the last person i need to see right now.
"hey what's wrong mags?"he said as a tear slipped out from my eye.

well here it goes.

"i really like you and jack likes me and i like jack but not as much as i like you and it's so confusing."i said quickly.
"well i was just about to ask you how should i ask out this one girl that i liked... she's really pretty and any tips?"he said.

when he said that my heart shattered into a million pieces and more tears came out but I should be supportive of him anyways

"tell her you've had feelings for her for some time now -"i sniffled and continued "and say she's the most beautiful girl in the world."daniel wiped the tear from my eyes.

"maggie, i've had feelings for you for some time now and you are the most beautiful girl in the world will you be my girlfriend?"i smiled like and idiot.

"of course daniel!"i jumped into his arms and right then, jack avery walked in.

jack has a rose in his hand and a box of chocolates.

"Okay maggie i guess it my feelings for you end here."he stormed out back to the why don't we house.

more tears came rushing down my face

"i ruin everything."i went to the why don't we boys house and sat in the living room with corbyn and jonah, the only 2 people that could possibly make me happy right now.

"what's wrong mags!who did this to you!"he was pointing at the scar i had from years ago.

"Corbean it's not that!and plus you gave me that scar remember you crashed your bike into me!?"we all laughed.

after i explained everything jonah spoke up.
"on the bright side, if you and daniel ever break up, you can always go to jack!"he smiled goofily .

"really Jonah, i'm not a hoe and i'm gonna go talk to jack."i said.

i walked upstairs and i heard jack punching the walls and i walked in without knocking and i hugged him.We stood there for at least a minute.

"i'm so sorry jack i didn't mean to ever hurt you."i whispered over his shoulder still trying to keep my tears in.

"everything is fine now, i guess i just want to be really close friends okay?i want a relationship like you corbyn and jonah."he sighed.

"awe jack you will be my bestfriend for ever."i hugged him one more time and left his room but i bumped into someone while walking

"i'm so sorry -"i said before getting cut off by her.

"watch it hoe."she said with a disgusting attitude

she had platinum blonde hair and the pretty eyes and she was wearing a tiny dress

and when i say tiny i mean tiny.I rolled my eyes and saw daniel walk in the same room as her.

The music room.Ew i hate that room now because that's where daniel was kissing that girl payton.I pulled daniel aside.

"hey babe whatcha guys doing?"i ask
"oh that's lovey and we are making a music video together, it's called secret love song."he said.

"wow you didn't want to do the video with me?"i say in a sassy tone.Obviously joking.

"Well I- She-um she -"

"i was joking dani."we both laugh and i kiss him before he leaves to record then i go to the living room to sit with jack, zach, jonah and corbyn.

"guys can i tell you something?"they all look over and they are now all staring at me.

"i don't really trust daniel and lovey in the same room."i say and look down.
jack laughs and so does zach

"guys this isn't funny!"i say.
i know i know, relationships are about trust but there is something about her.

"well they were dating once but they broke up and then she came back to write a song with him and he kinda cheated and his girlfriend and they broke up and we never saw daniels ex ever again."jack tried to stop him from talking but it didn't work.
all of the guys glared at zach.

is that what this lovey is doing now?
great i'm about to lose my boyfriend.

"its okay you got us and don't doubt daniel he's a great guy he's changed."zach says.

"oops i didn't mean to say that out loud."we laughed and thats when daniel and lovey walked down hearing us laugh.
daniel sat down on my lap.

"hey what are you guys laughing about?"he asked. We all looked at each other and zach made up an excuse.

"we are laughing because maggie made a funny joke."he said trying to keep a straight face.

"well i gotta go, nice seeing you dannyboo!"she runs up and kisses his cheeks and he turns red as she leaves.All of the boy look at me besides daniel and 4 of the boys laugh.
"HAHAHAHA DANNYBOO!!"Corbyn laughed trying to lighten the mood.

Daniels POV
"shut up!"we all laughed and i could see that Maggie was hurt by Lovey coming over.
"lovey is coming back tomorrow to finish the song."maggie looked at corbyn with hurt in her eyes.

"ok"jack said.

Lovey and I were talking about getting back together and i just nodded at everything she said.I loved lovey but i love maggie and i don't want to break maggie's heart so i'm gonna stay with her.





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