hanging out

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Daniels POV
Cameron is already here and he's sitting next to maggie.They are just talking about magcon and stuff like that.I was sitting on the couch on my phone when i heard cameron talking.

"hey you should join magcon maggie!"he asked.

"well i don't want to leave the boys if i join.i like it here, plus daniel keeps me great company!"she lied, she didn't want to go.

"aw man i was hoping a gorgeous girl like you would join us."he stands up to go to the bathroom and i saw him slip his phone in his pocket. which had a picture of two people i️ can't quite see on the back.

cameron has been in the bathroom for about 2 minutes now and i saw Maggie rushing around trying to find something.

"hey mags you okay?"i asked.she was still looking around but she turned to me.

"i lost my phone."i looked at her.

"CAMERON OPEN THE DOOR!"i yelled and he opened it and maggie's phone was on the bathroom counter.I picked it up and read what cameron was trying to email.

"hey bart,
it's maggie lindemann and i'm cameron's girlfriend.i have a song out and i would love to join magcon with the rest of the boys.give me a call back whenever you are free.thanks!
x maggie"

"listen cameron , i don't want to join magcon.especially because you took my phone and did that now leave before i call the cops"she said and he left immediately.

everyone was home by now and maggie was on her phone in the living room.Aislyn and Sophia were at the mall with Samantha and Shawn.
I sat next to maggie.

"hey i didn't know i was on your phone case"i looked at her clear phone case with a cute polaroid picture of us two.she smiled.

"well you were my first real friend."i looked down.

"can we restart?"she looked over and said

"daniel i wouldn't want to restart the best 14 years of my life with you, excluding the one where you left me."
our lips were now centimeters apart

i leaned and and she did the same
our lips collided as if it were meant to be.

"listen Maggie i know you hate me but i've loved you for all of these years even the one year where i left you.Can i take you out sometime?"i asked.

"i don't know,i would love to go out with you but i need some space to think everything through."i looked down.

"i'll be waiting"
i said as i left the living room.

Maggie's POV •next morning
"aye lindemann let's get out of the house and do something just you and I."jack said.I nodded and changed into this.

I nodded and changed into this

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jack eyed me up and down."someone looks good."i laughed.

we eventually made it to this ice cream place about 10 minutes away from the house. I went to order as jack followed.

"can i get the cotton candy in a cup?"i asked

"sure, it's cute and sweet just like you"he winked.Jack glared at him and ordered mocha ice cream in a cup.

"sorry dude she's taken"jack said as he went behind me and grabbed my waist making me blush.
he handed us our ice creams, well he handed mine to me and almost spilled jacks on his jacket.

Before we left i yelled
"maybe you should try that ice cream,it's pretty salty just like you!"

jack and i laughed according to what he said earlier to me.

Also before we left something happened that i never thought would.

Jack kissed me.

The cashier glared at us and we ran out.We were almost home and i asked jack,

"why did you kiss me?"

"i like you a lot."i thought it was suppose to make the cashier jealous.

"this is so confusing"i ran inside the house and sat on my bed for 3 hours and no one has came to check on me until i heard the door knob twist and turn.I looked up and saw...

cliffhangers baby!sorry my loves i will update tonight or tomorrow it depends on how busy i am.AND THANKS FLR ALMOST 500 READS ILY ALL!

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