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end of the week/last day of school
but i kinda feel bad for daniel, he has a B- in music class and that's not an A.Well i tried my best and for two days of the week he wasn't even paying attention.
beats me.

Daniels Pov
-after school walking home-
"maggie!i can't go without an A!"i yell
"go where i may ask?"she asked confused

me and maggie have been great friends this past week like the good old days.

"tou-a concert thing"i technically didn't lie."what concert would make you beg like this?"she questioned with a smirk on her face

god i love that smirk.
wait what?
um back on track here daniel.

"it's a band with 5 hot guys"she looked at me.

"wow sounds like you would love to go there."she laughed.

"fine i'll ask your mom."i thanked her and we walked in the house

"hey mrs seavey um daniel tried his best to get his grade up with an A but went to a B- so is that okay?"i hear her ask.

my mom looks at me."sorry sweetie the only exception i'll make is if you go with him."we both stare at each other.

"What!?!"we both say.

"you guys have been best friends since first grade and i trust only maggie to go.so take the deal or leave it."my mom says sternly.

we walk upstairs to my room and i sit down while maggie paces around with slight sympathy in her eyes.
"ugh fine!one day right?"she looked annoyed.
"uh well you see- it's kinda for months "i said.

"what!months?are you crazy daniel!?what kind of concert last 4 weeks, i mean unless you are attending all concerts of someone's tour!"she said staring into my eyes.

"it's me.im going on tour."

"ha ha daniel very funny i know you can sing but it would happen to be a miracle if you were on tour."i laughed and explained every single detail.

hours later*
it's midnight and we are still talking like we used to it's like the last where we would do anything and everything together.

Maggie's POV

"well we leave tomorrow i better get rest.and to be clear we are moving in L.A for a couple months right?"i ask.

"yeah so pack anything you need"he said.

im actually not as pissed as i thought i was gonna be i mean he's been keeping this band secret thing from me but i would have found out anyways.i hug daniel and stare into his deep blue eyes until he breaks the silence

"get some rest maggie"he smiles and i smile back.

god that smile is cute.

Daniels POV

god that smile is cute.

whoop whoop they have feelings for each other!!what happens during tour?comment suggestions!!❤️

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