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Daniels POV
lovey came over and she walked up to me and maggie. "hey margaret!" oh no she hates that name.

"hi lovey."she walks over to jack and shows him a youtube video, me and lovey go back to the recording studio.

Jacks POV
she hates the name margaret and lovey knows that.Maggie came up to me and she told me she made another song.Her voice is like an angel.

"DAMN MAGGIE!"all of the boys must've heard her song also.she laughed and we went out for ice cream.

The same guy from last time was flirting with her but i couldn't kiss her because she was dating daniel.

We left the ice cream shop and as soon as we walked into the house, we all plopped ourselves onto the couch and we started to watch a scary movie.

"that's okay maggie, i'll go grab a blanket for all of us."i went upstairs and decided to get 2 big blankets.

I walked into Daniel and I's room and i saw him and Lovey making out.Ew.I grabbed two blankets and left but before i left daniel grabbed me and said

"don't tell maggie."and i let go of his grip and i yelled at him."you disgust me and you just broke her heart daniel.she trusted you and she respected you.Why?"before he could answer i went downstairs and handed a blanket to Jonah and Zach and Me, Maggie and Corbyn are sharing one.

I looked at maggie and she had tears streaming down her face.

she must've heard us

Maggie's POV
i heard yelling and i heard jack say "you broke her heart daniel.she trusted you and respected you.why?"i started to tear up as the boys comforted me.

Jack gave us blankets and he saw me crying.

"i heard."i mumbled loud enough so he can hear me.he pulled me into a big hug and i instantly felt safe.

I told the guys i was going back to my house to get my mind off some things.

I lie on my bed and my phone lit up.I looked out the window and saw Lovey leaving.

My phone said 12 missed calls and 16 messages and they were from daniel.i looked at the messages but i just left him on read.Im not in the mood to talk to him right now.I decide to call Aislyn, Sofia and Samantha over for a girls night.
•text messages•
Me:girls Daniel cheated on me . i'm sad . girls night?
Aislyn:😥i'm sorry boo i'll be right over.
Sofia:Wait for me Aislyn!
Samantha:I'm gonna beat him up👊🏼
Me:thanks girls see you in 10.
Samantha: see me in 15 because i'm getting a lot of snacks

The girls came over and i took a snapchat of all of the snacks sam had brought.

(sorry for the weird thing i typed in😂)caption:thanks for making me feel better girls

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(sorry for the weird thing i typed in😂)
caption:thanks for making me feel better girls.

We sat on my bed and decided to talk for a little bit.((Jack and Daniels room is next to mine and our balcony is not too far away))

It got hot so we sat on the balcony.

"he said he wouldn't hurt me."i let a tear slip out.Aislyn sat with me and she hugged me.

"do you guys want to invite your boyfriends over?" they looked at me surprised.

"how did you know we were dating them?"i laughed.

"well i have my ways."

samantha called shawn over and aislyn got zach and sofia got jonah.

The boys nurses through my door and scared me.

"oh hey jack,"i said not expecting to see him.

"We invited him too because we didn't want you to watch the movie alone."i went to hug all of my girls and shawn spoke up.

"i love he new song you wrote, things."he said and i thanked him.

"Thanks Shawn.It was actually about daniel but i guess i changed my mind.I can't believe i wrote a song about him again."

"again!?"all the boys say.

"well my song 'pretty girl' was about him because we have been best friends since 1st grade to 9th grade because he stared to bully me and i hated him so much.

But eventually we became friends again and he wanted me to go on tour with him so i did."i kept my tears in.

"oh well guess what?"we all looked at shawn.

"This is a surprise and The why don't we boys are going on tour with Me, Madison Beer, Ariana Grande, Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran and Logic!"i jumped up and down and the boys were cheering.I guess daniel will find out tomorrow on the homepage.

we decided to watch another scary movie and we all had a partner
Samantha • Shawn
Aislyn • Zach
Sofia • Jonah
Me • Jack

we had partners just in case we got scared and apparently as the movie continued with a lot of pop ups and and me hiding my face in jacks chest i eventually fall asleep.

The next morning in

i saw daniel walk into maggie's room as we were cuddling and he stormed out and he called me.

"Jack!"i slowly got up careful not to wake maggie up.

"what?"i said.

"what the hell you are sleeping with my girlfriend?" i copied his gesture and said.

"what the hell you are cheating on my bestfriend!"i smirked and he went back to our house.

we woke up and we all went to the why don't we house but sofia forgot something at maggie's house and they both went back to grab it.They came back walking in with the snacks we didn't eat last night.

"you can never go wrong with candy in the morning!"sofia said and we all laughed.


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