old friends..

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we finally made it to our hotel in florida and i saw someone that i didn't expect to see there.
"lexi?"i looked over to here and there she was.

we've had a rough past.she used me for my fame at school and even daniel didn't know.only corbyn knew.But we became friends again eventually.

Lexi was one of those hoes you could say, but she is still my friend...i think.

"Maggie Lindemann!"she came up to me with a fake smile.yep she's probably fake again.
"we should totes hang out, in public!follow me on every social media too!"she said.

I walked back to Daniel and I's room and corbyn was sitting on my bed.
'help me' i mouthed and he got the memo.

"it's getting late i think you should go Lexi."corbyn said.

"oh, maggie said i could sleep over!"she said and i looked at corbyn and lexi.

"when did i ever say that?"just then daniel walked in.Daniel used to have a crush on her but he knew that i hated her.

"woah hey baby dani.havent seen you in years."she said battering her eyes and he said "hi."daniel just sat down on and bed and he pulled me on his lap.

i went to the bathroom and i came out and saw a note on my dresser.

i may or may not have told the boys some rumors about you.dont worry i'll be sure to make them hate you.after all i do only want you for my fame.life is over for you lindemann.you ruined mine then i ruin yours
                              - xoxo lexi
i grabbed the note and went to the lobby and saw all of the boys.when they saw me they all looked down except corbyn.

of course corbyn was my only real friend.

Corbyn's POV
Maggie was in the bathroom when i saw lexi write a note and stick it on her dresser.I read it and i tried to tell the boys that they are just rumors but no one believed me not even daniel.

we sat down at starbucks in the lobby and lexi was making up some fake stories but they boys were stupid to not see it's fake.

"she slept with almost every guy in the school.but she didn't tell anyone but me!"she said and i rolled my eyes.

daniel started to get mad and jack kept his head low.Zach almost was tearing up and Jonah sat there depending on if he should believe it or not.

"she also threatened me to stay away from you guys!"

"she only used daniel for fame."

"she doesn't even like any of you and corbyn and jonah...she hates you two the most."

my head shot up and i saw maggie with hurt in her eyes.i know those were fake rumors.

the boys kept her head down low and Lexi got up to talk to maggie.knowing this would go bad, i got my camera and started to record them secretly around the corner.

"maggie i hope your life is ruined!"she said
"i don't understand what i did to you?"she started to tear up.

"don't cry sweetie, daniel is no longer yours!"lexi said and she slapped maggie across the face.

Lexi punched herself to make people think that Maggie punched her i quickly sat down and they came back.

"Maggie punched me!"she yelled and all of the guys looked at her with disgust.

"i'm not even gonna try to defend myself. you guys should already know me.would i do that?"she said and her voice cracked.

"sorry maggie, you have done a lot of things at our school i don't know what to believe anymore."zach said

maggie showed them the note she wrote

"that's her handwriting" i️ say

"what that is not my handwriting! don't try to lie just to use them!"lexi said

daniel just sat there not defending his own girlfriend.

I got up and took maggie away we went to our room and i showed her the video.

She just bursted into tears and hugged me.

"I don't know how my life would be without you corbyn."

part 2 later today!

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