meeting the bandmates

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we walked out of the airport and Daniel's friend jack came to pick us up.Daniel saw me staring at him and i blushed.

"no catching feelings for noodle head!"he said.i laughed

"why?are you guys dating?"jack wiggles his eyebrows.I shook my head no and jack winked at me.I laughed and saw daniel look at the window.
possibly jealous.

i walked inside of their gorgeous home and i saw someone who i didn't expect to see here.
"BEAN!AND JO JO!!SO THIS IS THE BAND YOU GUYS ARE IN!?!"i yelled excitingly.
"Woahhhhhhhhh why are you here!"jonah asked.
"i had to come along or daniel wouldn't have been able to come because he failed all of his classes but one.but anyways you sound happy to see me."i rolled my eyes and laughed.

so daniel and i have to share a room but i traded with jonah and now i share a room with my bean!I was going up to our room and suddenly i got stopped by jack.

"hey maggie can you help me with something real quick?"he asked.i nodded as we walked passed the music room and saw daniel with another girl making out.aha he treats me like trash anyways.

I helped jack finish up his practicing and we went to watch a movie with zach and jonah and bean, daniel was still with that other girl doing nasty things.Jo jo came to sit next me.

"hey you okay?"i looked up from the movie.

"jo jo, you think batman scares me?"i laughed.

"no i'm serious. are you okay with daniel and that girl?"i just laugh it off.

"daniel treats me like trash, you think i would be bothered by that?"he shrugged and the corbyn walked in the room.

"CORBEAN YOU LOOK SO CUTE WITH THOSE GLASSES!"i said in awe and he winked playfully.

so i posted a picture on snapchat for my 11:11 (look at top of picture it was actually 11:11😂)

so i posted a picture on snapchat for my 11:11 (look at top of picture it was actually 11:11😂)

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out of the corner of my eye i swear i saw daniel glaring at corbyn.

Daniels POV
-the next morning-
*text with girl from yesterday*
Mia:so how was yesterday?
Me:fun bc i was with you!
Mia:thanks for taking me back
Me:who could resist you.

for everyone wondering, Mia was my ex and she cheated on me 2 times but i'm just that stupid guy who can't resist a fake girl.

mia came over and we were making out and maggie and jonah sit over on the couch together laughing and talking.


i don't know what came to me but when i saw them talking it just hit me."CORBEAN YOU LOOK SO CUTE WITH THOSE GLASSES!"she yells and he winked

i just wanted to kill him right then and she posted him as her 11:11.

i used to be her 11:11 since we've been friends for over 14 years but i guess i treated her like shit after 9th grade.

i just want to be as close as we were back then.Maggie and I exchanged glances as she walked upstairs to her and Corbyns room.

not much but at least it's an update!

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