part 2 of camping

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the guys finally came back from hiking and it seemed like they tried to make us work it out...and we did.

"mommy!daddy!"Madison jumps into my arms and daniel wraps his hands around my waist and gives both of us a kiss.

On the ride home, Daniel and i sat next to each other and told cheesy and old jokes.

i looked at him and we exchanged glances and i leaned on his shoulder and soon enough i fell asleep

Daniels POV
I woke maggie up and i carried Madison out of the car.But madison ran into Jonahs arms and he smiled.

Maggie hops out of the car and we intertwine our fingers as we walk.

we get inside and the first thing i did was carry Madison to the living room and I gave her my phone.

we are all unpacked so we decide to do something.

"prank wars"corbyn and zach say in unison.
"aye great minds think alike!"jonah says

"and you aren't one of them jonah"jack said and we all burst out laughing

"first team to 5 points get a free lunch from he other team and it can be anything even if it's expensive.and losing team has to clean the house"i say

we decide to do Maggie, Corbyn and Zach and then Me Jack and Jonah.

we went to walmart and we each got 15 minutes to shop.

the 15 minutes were up and my team got silly string, confetti, a pie and hair dye.

Maggie's POV
our 15 minutes were up and we got a cake, an air horn, food coloring and eggs. Don't ask.

we set up a bucket of eggs in Jack and Daniels room so when they walk in it falls on them.

the air horn will go off as soon as jonah or any other person opens the bathroom door,

Zach will put food coloring in their toothbrushes and we just sit back and wait for this to

Jacks POV
"dude let's go plan this on our room so no one can hear."daniel said to me as jonah i nodded but jonah went to gl to the bathroom

soon enough all we heard was
darn it jonah, one for them and none for us

we all walk into our room and suddenly
crack crack crack crack
a bunch of eggs flew on us.

"bro two for them and still none for us!Im an egg noodle head!"i yelled and we heard laughing downstairs so we went down.

we saw them eating cake and celebrating.i sprayed them with silly string and Madi yells
"that's the best you got uncle jack?"and we laugh the. we all start to eat cake

"this is so sweet i need to brush my teeth"jonah and daniel said

"bro i'm gonna shower and her these eggs out of my hair

i got i the shower and i came put almost 5 minutes later only to find my hair pink.


"Four for us and none for you,"Daniel, Jonah and i look confused...
"4?"corbyn and zach laugh and Maggie giggles

"daddy?uncle jonah?you look like shwek."
Madison says

i laugh "that's not nice to say Madison."

"weally wook at dere teef!"she giggles and the look at each other's teeth.
"it's gween !"maggie says copying Madison's baby voice.

Corbyn's POV
finally let's end this pranks wars.
"3 2 1." Maggie, Zach and I throw cake at them and they try to run but they couldn't they just slipped on cake.

"we were the first to 5 baby woo hoo!"Maggie yells and we high five each other

Maggie's POV
I look and daniel and he smirks he runs up and hugs me and gets cake all over my outfit

"wow very much appreciated!"i say sarcastically.

"we didn't even get to use our prank stuff!"Jonah whines.

i reach into theirbag and they had a pie and confetti left.

"well eat the pie tomorrow."i said and i grabbed the confetti and threw it in the air

"we win!and you used all of your stuff happy?"i say and he rolls his eyes

daniel sat on my lap and gave me a kiss before he tried to leave.

"excuse me mister.i think you guys have a house to clean for now."i smirk and Corbyn, Zach, Madi and I walk out of the front door to get fro yo, feeling like savages

short update loves its 2 am and i gotta wake up at 5 to go camping won't be able to update love you loves!❤️

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