part who knows what?😂

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daniels POV
i woke up and texted that girl mia to back off.I set my phone down and as i was heading out the room I heard laughing from the other room.Corbyn and Maggie.

I rolled my eyes even though they were my best friends, well kinda.

Maggie had ordered takeout from uber eats and when we all ate breakfast we all went to sit down.

maggie said she had a surprise for us and she showed us a video of her new song.We all gasp in awe.

"Maggie, this is so good"jack said.

"This song is so meaningful and it's literally gold."zach said.

"who was this about?"jonah asked and i looked into her eyes while she looked into mine.

"no one in particular.i was writing my feelings down and i came up with this song."she lied

the boys looked at her as if she was lying.But surprisingly she kept a straight face.

maggie was lying.that song was about me and i know it.i can see it no her eyes after being her bestfriend for 15 years now.

We went to the park to watch the sunset and eat dinner but i walked off not far from where we were sitting and i sat alone thinking about that song.

"fuck your ribbons and your pearls,cause i'm not just a pretty girl."

it kept replaying over and over.Every single time i would mess up our friendship, the only way she'd be my friend again is to show her i care, or buying ribbons and fake pearls.

but now i guess she's over me.after all of. see years i should have expressed my feelings to her.

Maggie's POV
me and the guys were chilling and listening to 'made for' i kept glancing over at daniel and he looked stressed.i can't ignore him, i mean he was my best friend for a may years and we can't end it here so i went up to him.

"Hey dani"i sat on the grass next to him.

"i know that song was about me."he said watching the sunset.I look away.

"okay, so what if it was?"he looked at me this time.

"look i'm sorry for whatever i did, but i don't remember doing anything wrong besides when i left you for popularity and honestly i didn't mean to do that.i want to be old best friends like we used to be."daniel said.

"really daniel?you basically let that girl from yesterday eat your face off and apparently you did mean to leave me in highschool because you and you're jerk friends always bully me and stuff and you don't even know how much pain you put me in.Trust me i will forgive but i won't ever forget."i said with teary eyes.

he hugged me and said "i missed you."

don't forget to vote
i love you all and i will also be giving some random shoutouts to voters and i will show love to people in the comments❤️

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