Three ♡ | "Like It Was Yesterday"

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As soon as practice was over I grabbed my bag and rushed to go shower and change.

Lena had spread the word about Carter and I and now I was being bombarded. Similar to her and Melanie, they all had believed that we were going to get together last year but were disappointed when we didn't.

After she told them all I had given her a glare and she'd smiled, relishing in her "success" of being right.

Joke's on her, she's wrong.

I walked out from the changing room and heard voices calling out.

"Have fun on your date!"

"You guys are so cute together!!"

"I called it!"

This was getting out of hand.

I rolled my eyes then said, "You're all delusional!"

I practically ran out of the building and toward the parking lot.

Before I reached it I stopped to compose myself and collected my thoughts.

They were delusional, Carter didn't like me and I didn't like him...right?

Yeah right, of course. We're just friends... if that.

I took a deep breath and came from behind the wall I was hiding at.

I saw him immediately. He was leaning against his car, occupied with his phone.

He'd changed clothes and I noticed that he looked pretty good modeled up against his car.

Platonically of course.

He was wearing a gray hoodie with light washed slightly ripped jeans that cuffed a little at the bottom along with low top white converse.

As I approached the car he looked up to see me walking in his direction.

I stopped in front of him.


He hesitated before saying, "Hi."

He broke eye contact and reached in his pocket for his keys which he used to open his trunk.

At the sound of the click, I was hit with a flashback.

"You ready?" Carter smiled as I approached him.

"Yup!" I said, popping the p.

He unlocked his trunk and I heard the usual click.

After I put my bag next to his and closed the trunk he was waiting for me by the passenger door.

"Ugh again?" I questioned, laughing.

"Of course, why wouldn't I open the door for you?" He asked.

I spoke. "Carter, we're in a school parking lot it's not that serious."

"Okay the first time I really wanted to open the door for you but now I do because it annoys you." He laughed and walked over to the driver's side.

"You're so weird! So is this a tradition now, is it our thing? Wow I can't believe I just said that."

"Yeah same, that whole 'our thing' is so cliche, I expected better from you."

I shot him a glare and he smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. I never could.

The corners of my mouth turned up at the old memory and I walked over to put my bag in the trunk next to his then closed it.

After it shut, I saw that he was already in the car. It's not like I was expecting him to be waiting there, in fact I should be relieved. So why did I feel a pang in my chest?

I brushed it off and went over to the passenger side and opened the door.

Once I got in, he spoke.

"So where to?"

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