Seven ♡ | "Cut The Crap"

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Tyler was Carter's best friend and has been ever since the ninth grade.

Although Carter and I had drifted apart, Tyler and I still remained friends. Although seeing as I was trying to avoid all things Carter at the moment, I wasn't thrilled about him being here right now.

I watched as he sat his papers at the desk next to me along with his backpack and sat down.

"What's up?" He asked as he stared me down.

Well, great. He knows.

I know he knows because of the look on his face. I've seen that look before. It's the Carter already told me what happened but I'm going to pretend I don't know so I can hear you say it look.

I rolled my eyes. "Cut the crap, I know you know."

He let out a breath of relief. "Well that saves some time."

"What did he say?" I asked already knowing he wouldn't tell me. It was worth a shot though.

"Now you know I can't disclose that type of information. How about you tell me how you feel about it."

I scoffed. "To thanks"

"Ouch that hurts." He said while dramatically placing a hand over his heart.

"Look, we're friends and all but you're his best friend and I know that whatever I tell you is going straight to him. So like I said before no thanks."

"Okay I get know what...we don't even have to talk about it. Let's just talk about something else!" He said with a smile.

"Oh really? Okay then, so how's life?"

"Well it's... Oh come on! You were supposed to fall for the trap!" He said dramatically smacking his hand to his face.

"Trap?" I asked, confused.

"Me giving you the option to talk about something else was supposed to make you feel comfortable therefore giving you a safe space to talk about Carter."

I laughed. "Nice try but thanks for the insight. Now I know your little trick!"

"Oh, I have plenty more where that came from."

"I'm sure you do."

I looked at the clock to see we only had five minutes left and neither one of us were anywhere near finished with our assignments.

"Hey, maybe we should..." I signaled down to the papers and pointed over to the clock.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea."

We both grabbed our pencils and rushed to finish the assignments.


It was time.

Surprisingly I'd been successful at avoiding him all day, even during Leadership since we were doing some stuff outside. He also hadn't shown up to the cafeteria at lunch which was good for me.

I was now walking down the hallway on my way to Physics class. I was late at this point because I'd had to use the bathroom and the line was ridiculous. Thankfully I had Ms. Taylor and I was pretty sure she wouldn't care.

I was lost in my thoughts when I suddenly felt my arm being yanked.

I tried to scream but a hand was covering my mouth, I was surrounded in darkness.

I stumbled over something and tried to make out where I was but it was too dark.

I was about one second from attacking whoever it was but then the light switched on.

A/N: Ohh a cliffhanger! I wonder who it is? Anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone who has started to read my book as well as those of you who have also added it to your reading list! The fact that you think my book is good enough to even do that is crazy! I appreciate you all, and once again thank you. I'm excited for everyone to continue reading!

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