Twelve ♡ | "Is That For Me?"

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The time was seven o' clock and I was laying in my bed reading... or trying to anyway.

I said trying to because although I was there with the pages flipped open and my eyes glued to the words I couldn't focus.

The reason being I couldn't stop thinking about Carter.

I wondered what would become of us now that this project was over. It's not like we had excuses to talk to each other anymore. I mean, we did sit next to each other...but still.

I didn't want a replay of what happened a year ago with us, I didn't want to lose him again.

I'd picked up my phone to text him about a billion times but each time I just ended throwing it across the bed.

It also didn't help that I was reading a book about romance either.

Rolling my eyes at the irony I started reading again.

I loved him.

Despite not wanting to admit it, I did.

I loved him, and I could only hope he felt the same.

I turned around to see him standing there.

It felt like years gazing at each other in silence but he finally spoke, "I love you!"

I gasped in utter shock and ran into his arms.

"I love you too!"

He twirled me around and around. I could stay forever in his arms, and I did.

The End.

I scoffed and closed the book. What a cheesy ending! Like where does that even happen in real life...Oh wait it doesn't.

Who needs love anyway?

I shoved the finished novel in my bookshelf, noting to myself to never open it again.

I looked around my room, wondering what to do next when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said.

My mom entered with mail in her hands. I immediately saw who it was from and got excited.

"Is that for me?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yes." She said smiling. "I forgot to give it to you earlier!"

She handed me the envelope and I sat it on my bed, awaiting to open it.

It was from UCLA, my dream school that I'd applied to last year. I knew it was too early for admission decisions, but I was still happy when I got things from them.

"So how did your presentation go today?" She asked.

"It was really good! We got an A." I answered.

"That's great! I know how hard you both worked on that thing!" She replied. "Speaking of Carter..."

Great...Here we go.

"Nothing is going on if that's what you're getting at." I answered.

"No, no of course not! I just wanted to know how you two were."

"We're fine, more than fine actually. We're talking again, but that could have just been because of the project..."

"Oh I'm sure it's not! You do want to talk to him don't you?" She asked.

"Well, yeah."

I looked to see a smug smile on her face that quickly disappeared once she realized I was looking at her.

"Well I'm sure he feels the same, you two do have history after all! Who knows, maybe something will happen!"


She chuckled, "It's just a thought! I'll leave you alone, dinner will be ready in thirty minutes."

She walked out closing the door behind her.

I grabbed the envelope and opened it. It had a little booklet about the life of a UCLA student as well as small wall stickers.

I hung them above my desk where I already had an array of other random pictures and stickers and smiled.

"See you soon UCLA, see you soon!"

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