Thirteen ♡ | "Don't Judge"

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"Let's go Falcons, Let's go!"

"Let's go Falcons, Let's go!"

The cheer team and I all chanted. There were five seconds left on the clock.

This was it, the final countdown. This shot would win us the game. Our side was jumping and cheering, encouraging the team.

We all watched as Carter got into position to shoot. Once the ball left his hands there was complete silence.

As if in slow motion, the ball flew, getting closer and closer to the net.

The anticipation growing more and more with each moment passing, until...


The ball landed perfectly into the hoop.

Cheers and screams were heard all around.

We all raced to the court, celebrating the victory.

We'd just won the finals.

We all jumped around, cheering with the team and giving them hugs.

I searched around trying to find Carter, but it was too crowded to spot him at this point.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

"Looking for me?"

There he was.

I engulfed Carter in a hug and he swung me around.

"Congratulations! Especially to you, you won it for us!"

"No, we all did!"

He put me down and smiled.

"You didn't hug us like that!"

I turned around to see Reece and Tim, two others from the team that I'd previously congratulated.

I playfully punched them both in the shoulder, "Better?"

"Yeah much, thanks!" Tim joked.

"Anyway, all the guys are going to be at a victory party that Andrew is hosting. We just wanted to make sure you and the rest of the the cheer team's going." Reece said.

I looked at Carter and he nodded in confirmation.

"Well I guess we are! I'll go tell them right now." I said.

"Okay cool, see you there!"


Melanie, Lena and I all drove in our separate cars with the rest the cheer team. It'd worked out perfectly since there was twelve of us and four seats in each car.

By the time we all got there, the party seemed to be full in action. Somehow, there were already people drunkenly stumbling around Andrew's front yard.

Once we made it inside, Melanie and I scouted out the snack table and headed straight toward it.

Don't judge.

We hadn't eaten since before the game, so needless to say we were hungry.

"So this seems like the perfect opportunity to me." Melanie said before eating a chip.

"What do you mean?" I asked, having no clue what she was talking about.

"The party. You. Carter. It's basically a recipe for something to happen." She said.

"Not everything you read in books or see on tv is true, trust me." I said, internally shuddering from that book I'd read.

"Okay yeah, but this could be." She said, raising an eyebrow.

"Remember I told you, I just want to stay friends."

"You and me both know that's a lie. Let's be real here, you're just afraid to let him know how you feel because of the chance that he doesn't like you back!"

I opened my mouth to argue, but couldn't. She was right.

"I and every other member of the student body sees that you like him and he likes you. I think the only two people who don't realize it are you!"


"Oh look! There he is, go over there!" Melanie said as she pushed me in his direction.

"Melanie!" I hissed, turning around to face her.

She shooed me with her hands, and I turned back around in his direction. He was talking to Tyler, and I didn't want to interrupt but apparently my body had a different plan seeing as I was walking toward him.

Here goes nothing.

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