Eleven ♡ | "Look At What You've Caused"

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It was Monday.

Otherwise known as the due date for our project.

Over the weekend we'd worked on finishing it and I have to say I was pretty proud of it. Along with the model we had to write a three page essay on all of the science part of roller coasters. As you would assume, that was the most boring part.

I'd arrived early today so I could drop the project off in class and saw that a few others had already done the same. Not to brag or anything, but ours definitely looked the best.

It was currently only lunch so there was still one more period after this until it was time to present.

I made my way to my group's usual table and sat down. There was already half of them there, including Melanie.

I had already told her about everything that happened with Carter and I and thankfully she didn't rub it in my face for being right. Then again, she was my best friend so she knew me well enough not to.

That's actually the exact reason why I hadn't told Lena yet, because she would rub it in my face. I knew that I'd never hear the end of it.

"Hey guys!" I said.

I waited for them to greet me back but then I realized they were having a very heated discussion.

"No you're wrong Grant!" Maya exclaimed.

"No he's not! You're the wrong one!" Frankie argued.

"Mays's right and the both of you morons are wrong." Beth said rolling her eyes.

I spoke, almost to afraid to interrupt, "What are we talking about here?" I hesitantly asked.

"Cats vs. Dogs." Melanie replied.

"Oh definitely dogs! Hands down!" I said as if was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What!?" Frankie and Grant said simultaneously.

"I mean the list goes on for why dogs are better, but to name a few..." I cleared my throat for dramatic effect. "Dogs are better companions, they actually care about you, and they promote exercise!"

"How exactly do they promote exercise?" Grant asked confused.

"Because you walk dogs, duh!" Melanie said.

"If you really believe cats are better you're just in denial. Cats could care less if you left forever, as long as they had food!" Beth said.

"I mean case closed honestly!" Maya said.

Frankie and Grant knew that they both lost and muttered whatever.

After lunch ended it was fifth period which went by pretty fast.

Before I knew it, it was time for Physics.

Once I entered the class, I was greeted by Carter, "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be!"


"Any questions?" I asked.

We'd just finished presenting our project and everything had gone smoothly, from the marble going through the coaster to summarizing our report.

No one raised their hands so I spoke, "Alright well that concludes our presentation!"

Everyone clapped.

Carter did a dramatic bow and I laughed.

Ms. Taylor spoke, "Would you like to know your grades now?"

Carter answered for the both of us with a yes.

"A's to you both!"

I held my hand up for a high five but Carter gave me a quick hug instead.

Aww's were heard throughout the class, even from Ms. Taylor.

While I was still close to him I whispered in his ear, "Look at what you've caused."

He just laughed and we took our seats.

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