Seventeen ♡ | "It's Beautiful Isn't It?"

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The Date, Part One:

I did a once over in the mirror to make sure I was satisfied with how I looked. I was wearing a simple cropped tee with high waisted shorts and a bathing suit underneath.

I'd gotten a text from Carter an hour ago that simply said "wear a bathing suit". I could only assume we were going to the beach.

I grabbed my small backpack and flung it onto my shoulders. The only thing left to do now was wait.

It was currently 2:57 pm and Carter said he'd be here at 3:00. Seconds felt like hours as I awaited his message.

It was official. Carter and I were dating, and this would be the first time in who knows how long that we've really spent time together in a year. Needless to say I was excited.

Consumed in my thoughts, I barely heard the ding of my phone. I picked it up to check the message and it was Carter. He was here.

I rushed out my bedroom door and almost down the stairs before remembering to tell my mom.

I stood in front of her closed door and spoke, "I'm going out with Carter, I'll be back later!"

"Alright, be safe!"

"Always." I replied.

With that, I made my way down the stairs and out the door.

His car was parked right outside and I saw him standing in front the passenger door. I couldn't help the huge smile that spread on my face.

He visibly checked me out before speaking, "You look great!"

"Why thank you, you don't look too bad yourself."

He smirked, "So I was thinking I could open the door for you."

"Hmm...." I said.

Memories of our weird joke and all the times I never let him open the door for me came to mind.

"Just this once!" I finished with a laugh.

"This will go down in history! The day Alycia finally let me open my car door for her." He exaggeratedly said.

I nodded, "They'll talk about it for centuries."

We both laughed as he opened the door, letting me in.

He shut it and went around to get into the driver's seat.

"So where to?" I asked even though I already knew.

"It's a surprise."

"Ohh okay, because the bathing suit definitely didn't give it away."

"Yeah exactly!" He laughed.


After thirty minutes of singing in the car and joking about things that were probably only funny to the two of us, we'd arrived.

Just as I suspected, we were at The Pier.

"So I'm thinking games, rides and food during the day and the beach at night?"

"Sounds perfect!" I said smiling.

We both got out of the car and headed over to the boardwalk.

"Let's get on West Coaster first!" I said pointing over to where it resided.

"No, let's do the Pacific Plunge first!" He said, dramatically hopping up and down like a little kid.

I laughed, "How about a game of rock paper scissors to decide?"


We both simultaneously did the hand motions and I won.

"Well that was easy, West Coaster it is!"


After riding on the coaster and a plethora of other rides we ate and then went to go play some games at the booths. Carter had won me a gold little seashell necklace that I was now wearing and I loved it.

The sun was beginning to set and the beach was clearing out.

"You want to head over to the beach now?" I asked as we both leaned against the wooden railing that separated the boardwalk and ocean.

"One more ride first." He said, looking over to the Ferris wheel.

I nodded with a smile before speaking, "Sounds good!"

The line for the ride was pretty short so we were able to get on fairly quickly.

I sat down first and Carter sat beside me, leaving the other side of the cart empty.

I stared out the window in awe of the sight. The sun was beginning to set and all of the colors in the sky combined with the ocean was breathtaking.

"Wow." I said, admiring the view.

"Yeah, wow." Carter said.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked.

"Sure is."

I turned to him to see he wasn't looking out the window though, he was looking at me.

He smiled as I spoke, "You weren't talking about the sunset were you?"

He chuckled, "Nope."

He leaned in closer toward me and this time I closed the gap.

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