Six ♡ | "Breathe Alycia, Breathe"

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I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I wasn't sure how long I'd been like this.

Maybe a couple of minutes, maybe an hour.

Once he left what happened really sunk in.

I didn't even realize I still had feelings for Carter, and I definitely didn't realize he still had any for me.

Maybe it was just an in the moment thing. Yeah, it had to be...right?

Regardless, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear my door open.

"Hello!! Earth to Alycia!"

I looked over to see Cody standing in the doorway.

"So what was that all about?" He asked as he took an uninvited seat on my bed.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really? So Carter wasn't just here? The Carter you were in love with. The Carter that basically lived here a year ago."

"I wasn't in love with him." I snapped. "And it's not a big deal, we just have a project to do."

I flipped over on my bed so I was facing the opposite direction of Cody.

"Not a big deal huh?" He teased. "Okayy whatever you say big sis..."

"The door is that way." I said, pointing toward the exit.

He laughed and stayed sitting there until I pushed him off.

He stopped laughing after that.


I got out of my car and threw my keys in my bag.

As I got closer to the entrance my heart started racing.

I shouldn't be this nervous, it's just Carter. Breathe Alycia, breathe. You only have two classes with him, it shouldn't be that hard to avoid him.

I walked into the double doors and darted straight to first period.

I was five minutes early but I didn't care. At least I'd be safe.

"Hey Alycia! You're here early!" The voice was Callie's.

"I could say the same for you." I took my usual seat next to her.

"Yeah, I need to turn in my essay because I'm leaving early but Mr. Caylen isn't even here yet...and I don't want to leave it here because I don't trust people.

I chuckled at her true statement. "I feel you."

By the time Mr. Caylen got to class, it was already five minutes after the bell had rung.

He had used the I'm a teacher so it's okay excuse.

Callie basically ran out of the class after giving him her essay because she was afraid she'd be late for her interview.

It was for an academic based full ride scholarship to a college she'd applied to. You'd think that they would've scheduled it at a time school wasn't happening. Ironic isn't it?

After she'd left, I realized I could have just turned in the essay for her. It would have at least saved her from bolting out the door in panic. I guess the thought had slipped both of our minds at the time.

Oh well.

Anyway, now we were doing some worksheets for classwork. I was used to working with Callie on these but now that she was gone I was doing them by myself.

There weren't any assigned seats so I could have just moved and sat with some of my other friends but I was sort of enjoying being alone for the moment.

"Oh look, an empty seat for your favorite person to sit in!"

I spoke too soon.

"Hello Tyler."

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