Nine ♡ | "Now?"

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Three days had passed and the project due date was coming up.

So far we'd done a little over half of the model. It was harder than I thought to make sure the marble would pass through. Although, I did have to admit it was fun.

Carter and I's friendship was rekindling and things were becoming less awkward. Because of this I decided not to say anything about my feelings for him. I'd rather not ruin things right when they just started again.

Right now we were trying shape some of the paper with tape for the loop of the coaster.

"Ugh this isn't working, the paper keeps bending!" He whined.

"That's why you have to be gentle, if you are it will curve, see?" I held up my piece to show him what I meant.

"Easier said than done."

I laughed, "Well obviously not if I've done it."

He repeated what I'd just said in a mocking tone under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Hmm, oh nothing." He said still fumbling with the paper. "Not to brag but I'm pretty good at basically anything to do with school, this stupid origami stuff though is another story!"

"Yeah well so am I but I'm doing just fine and besides this isn't origami, it's literally just bending a piece of paper." I said in an amused tone. "Maybe I should just do it for —"

"Got it!" He exclaimed in triumph.

I looked at his creation and sure enough he'd done it...finally.

"Great! One down and four more for you to go, meanwhile I'm done. This is probably going to take some time so..." I migrated over to my bed and laid down. "Wake me up when you're done!" I pretended to fall asleep.

A pillow that had somehow found its way onto the floor was thrown my way.

"Well that wasn't very nice of you."

He responded with a laugh.

"You know what this means right?" I asked with a smirk.

Realization came to his face. "Oh really?"

"Yes really, for old times sake." I cleared my throat to prepare for what I was about to say next.


He rushed over to the other side of my bed to grab a pillow and I picked up the one he'd just thrown at me.

We both held our pillows, the anticipation rising.

He spoke. "Come on, are you-"

I swung, hitting him in the face.

"And to think I was going to go easy on you!" He said.

I giggled and swung again. This time he blocked and hit me in the side.

I swung again, hitting him in the head for a second time.

He shook his head and laughed. "Are you trying to give me a concussion?"

He stepped forward and I stepped back. He moved closer again and I moved farther.

I realized that he was backing me into a corner, I tried to escape but it was already too late.

At least that's what he thought.

"Nowhere to run?" He asked, thinking he'd won.

As he winded the pillow back I made a beeline straight to my door and ran out.

"Wait what?" I heard him ask, confused as to how I'd just gotten away.

I practically skipped down the stairs and sprinted into the living room, hiding behind the front of the couch.

I heard his footsteps approaching closer on the other side. I looked up to see his back facing me right behind the couch as he scanned the room.

I took advantage of the opportunity and shot up and hit him.

He turned around quickly. "Alright that's it!"

He jumped over the couch and landed in front of me. I tried running away but wasn't fast enough.

With one hit I was knocked back onto the couch and he climbed on top of me.

"Do you surrender?" He asked, hovering over me.

"No!" I said. I knew that there was no way I could win now, but I wasn't going to give up that easily.

He hit me with the pillow again.



And again.



And once more.


"Okay okay fine whatever!"

He smiled with victory as he said, "I won!"

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him.

It was only then that I realized the compromising position we were in.

And of course, that's when the door opened.

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