Epilogue ♡ | "I Love You"

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Junior Year:

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

My eyes shot open at the sound of the alarm.

Too tired to walk around to the other side of the bed, I nudged the sleeping body next to me.

This only caused him to wrap his arms around me.

I briefly contemplated staying in that comfortable position, but decided against it after accepting the fact that we needed to get up.

"Wake up." I said, nudging him again.

"Just one more hour." He said groggily.

"In one hour your midterm will have started!"

With that, he shot up and turned off the alarm.

I started laughing.

"Wait...midterms aren't until next week!" He moaned.

"Yeah but it got you to turn the alarm off."

"I hate you." He said in a pouty tone.

"You love me Carter."

"True." He said, leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek before getting up.

"You do have class in an hour though, so get ready!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'm getting in the shower." He said as he reached for the door handle, missing the first time but successfully opening the second.

I didn't need to be at class for another three hours so I was in no rush to get ready.

I closed my eyes and reveled in the silence.

That was one of the many reasons why living in an apartment was so much better than the dorms. You didn't have to be disturbed by the sounds of yells and whatever else people would be doing.

I was cut off from my relaxation by the sound of my phone ringing.

I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed it, reading the caller ID.

It was Melanie.

"What?" I asked, answering the phone.

"Wow, what a way to greet your best friend."

"It's eight in the morning Mel!" I replied with a yawn.

"Yeah well I couldn't wait!" She screeched.

"Wait for what?" I asked.

"To tell you!"

I laughed, "Tell me what?"

"That I'm coming to visit you guys for a week!!!" She exclaimed.

"Wait really!?"

"Yeah, I'm ahead in all of my classes by like three weeks and midterms aren't for two months since we're on the semester system, so I can come!!"

"Well okay Ms. Smarty Pants, what about your other assignments and stuff?"

"They're all online, so LA here I come!!"

"Aww I can't wait!!"

"I gotta go but I'm coming next week after your midterms, so get excited!"

"Already am! Talk to you later!"


I hung up and put my phone back on the table with a smile.

It'd been months since I'd seen Melanie so this was great.

I couldn't go back to sleep after hearing that so I got up and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee.

I heard the shower turn off so I made Carter a cup too.

He walked in a few minutes later fully dressed with wet and messy yet perfect hair.

"You look good." I said.

"So do you."

"I just woke up and haven't showered." I said incredulously.

"And? You're still beautiful." He smirked.

We made eye contact and I smiled.

He rushed to grab his bag from the couch and took the coffee I'd made him in the paper cup.

"Thank you." He said, giving me a lingering kiss.

I smiled, feeling all fuzzy inside. "You're welcome."

"I love you." He said, opening the door.

"Love you too!"

He walked out, closing door behind him.

I'd tell him the good news when I saw him again.

But for now, I stood by the kitchen island sipping my coffee, thinking about the life that I had and how lucky I was to have to have it.


Ahh so there it is!! The official ending of "Second Time's A Charm"!

Thank you to every single one of you for taking the time to read my book! I appreciate it more than you know. 

This was my first book on Wattpad, so it wasn't the absolute best but I know I'll improve with time.

Anyway, thanks again and until next time!!

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