Five ♡ | "I'll Walk You Out"

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Thirty minutes had passed and we were almost done with the sketch.

"Okay, so immediately after the loop there's an incline which leads to the curve." I said.

"What if after the loop it stays level for a while then it slightly inclines into the curve?" He suggested.

"Alright, so that would be drawn like..."

"This." Without hesitation he placed his hand over mine and guided it, drawing what he'd envisioned onto the paper.

After finishing he pulled away, realizing what he'd done.


"No it's fine." I said, attempting to be nonchalant. Too bad it came out as a croaked whisper.

Although now his hand had left me, his arm was still pressed against mine.

He didn't move, but neither did I.

I turned toward him to see his face closer to mine than before.

I didn't know what was happening, but whatever it was, neither of us were stopping it.

I had forgotten what it felt like to be this close to him.

I missed it.

Wait...what? No no no! This can't be right.

I told my internal self to shush and involuntarily moved closer even though my brain was screaming at me not to.

Don't do this Alycia!

What are you doing Alycia!


He slightly moved in closer before stopping and closing his eyes. He breathed in deeply and backed away.

I looked the other way, disappointed but also relieved.

After seconds that felt like hours he cleared his throat and spoke, "So uhh... so then after the curve it leads to the end of the ride." He said awkwardly.

"Yeah." I replied, barely audible.

Before he could reply, the door to my room opened.

"I'm h-" It was much for not being home for a while.

"Oh, hey Carter?" He said confused, looking back and forth between him and I.

"Hey Cody, long time no see."

He smiled and replied, " Yeah so what are you guys-"

Before he could finish I gave him a look, communicating that it wasn't the time for casual conversation.

He got the hint.

"I think someone's calling me!" He said. It would have been believable if there was an actual phone ringing but there wasn't. "I'll just be in my room...if you need anything...okay bye."

He quickly closed the door and I turned back to the desk.

"It's getting kind of late...I should probably go." Carter said, abruptly standing.

I looked at my clock to see that the time read 6:40. It wasn't even dark out yet.

"Yeah okay, I'll walk you out."

We silently walked down the stairs and he stood against the door before opening it.

"See you tomorrow." He said, making eye contact with me.

"Yeah." I answered, looking right back.

We stood like that for a while, just staring at each other.

I never thought that happened in real life. Whenever I read books I always thought it was dumb that two people would just stare at each other unmoving, but now it was happening to me.

I looked away and he did too. He turned around and opened the door, walking out.

He didn't look back.

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