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'Well, this will be an eventful night' I thought. Mitski went to put her bag with her personal things in my room then we all left with our sketch books and our art kits.


After the four of us left the house Mitski smirked when she left with Masami, more than likely because I was going to be alone with the one guy I had a crush on. 'Why does she always do these things to me?' Yuuma broke me out of my thoughts, "So what kind of thing are you best at drawing anyway?" he asked. 'Oh my god! How do I answer without acting like an idiot?!?' 

I mentally started having a breakdown, "Well, I draw all kinds of things but I do prefer drawing scenery." 'YES! I didn't stutter' He looked at me and then said we should go find a spot to draw. "Hey uh, Yuuma right." he nodded in response then I asked my question, "Do you like art and Is that why you switched into my class?" "Kind of, I have to take the course but I do like it a little, I don't draw as much now as I did when I was younger though." both Yuuma and I was walking around for a while then my phone starts ringing. Yuuma looks back at me and I look at the caller ID and it's the one and only Mitski. "So have you guys found a spot because if not then there is a really good spot for you at the park, you should hurry before the sun goes down or you'll miss the lighting."

With her strange call ending so quick I ended up catching a little bit of laughter coming from her end of the line. "So what was that you didn't even say anything." he asks kinda confused. "Well, that was my friend Mitski, the girl that brought you and Masami to my house a little while ago, anyways she told me that we should probably head to the park though I am a little bit scared." Yuuma looked quite confused when I said I was scared of my own friend but ended up going along with it. 

Mitski's POV

After calling (y/n) telling her there was a good spot for her and Yuuma to draw, masami and I quickly started setting up random things that people would like on a 'date'. After we set up a blanket along with a few different other things that make a date we both run behind a nearby bush so we can spy on them. 'This is gonna be good' I thought with an evil grin.


When we get to the park I notice the weirdest thing that only Mitski would do. She set up a cliche date scene that she's more than likely seen more than once. I look over to Yuuma and see if he was reacting to the scene but he was just straight faced. "So, this is what she planned huh?" he asks breaking the silence. I look away from him since a small blush appeared on my face. 'Why is she doing this to me? If I wanted to talk to Yuuma then I would, but I don't want to.' I thought silently to myself. I notice that Yuuma was trying to get my attention. "Hey you okay, you were a little dazed. We don't have to do the assignment today we can come back tomorrow since it's the weekend." he asked and I just give him a 'sure'.

 I pull out my phone and call Mitski to get her to go back to the house, but while it rings we notice that her ringtone was coming from behind a bush that was near the setup. I instantly hang the phone up and walk over to where she was.When I get over there I notice that not only was she trying to hide but Masami was also hiding. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL MITSKI!" I yell at her and my face grew dark with both embarrassment and a little anger. I tell her that I was heading home to get some sleep and that she could come back when she was finished doing whatever it was that she was trying to attempt. Before I left I told Yuuma that I would meet him at the park about noon then we could draw. 

When I got home I took my shoes off at the door and went upstairs to my room to lay down. 'Why does she think it will happen between me and Yuuma anyway.' I lay down on my bed for about 30 minutes but before I fell asleep completely I heard my front door close so I figured that Mitski had just got home. After a few minutes, I notice that my bedroom door was slowly opening and saw her in the doorway. "What is it Mitski, we need to get some sleep for tomorrow." I told her with a groggy tone. "Yeah I know it's just I want to say I'm sorry. I know how you feel about him but you do know that he hates it when a girl confesses right?" "Yeah I do, why?" 

I sit up and rub my eyes to wake up a little bit and notice that she had a very sad look on her face."What wrong?" I ask her. "I was just trying to help a little bit. I am sorry I will try not to mess with your relationship with Yuuma." she says apologetically.  "Look I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier I know you were only trying to set us up so I hope you can forgive me. So, instead of me, do you by any chance have a crush on anyone at school or is big bad Mitski to good for boys." I said teasing her. "Oh just hush and get some sleep. We are meeting them at the park tomorrow right, then we need to get some rest." She said avoiding the question.

~~Time skip to the next day~~ 

When we woke up I looked at the time and it was a little after ten so I got up and grabbed a day outfit from my closet. I grabbed a black pleated skirt with a (f/c) top. When I got dressed I came back to grab some socks from my dresser and wake up Mitski so she could get some clothes on. When we both finished getting ready we went down stairs to get breakfast. When we finished eating I went back up to my room to grab my art supplies along with Mitski's since I was up here anyways then went back downstairs. "I have your art supplies we need to go or we'll be late." After she got ready we put our shoes on and left.

~~time skip to the park~~

When we got to the Park Mitski and I was looking everywhere for the other two. "Well, maybe we should wait over there on the bench." I said pointing to a nearby bench. After about a 20-minute wait Yuuma and Masami showed up then we separated into our two groups to look for inspiration. Yuuma and I came across a small pond and some trees surrounding it. The lighting came through the trees since the season was fall and there weren't many leaves left on them. We both decided to draw bits of that and combine the two. We both sat there for hours sketching then Yuuma asks me a weird question that almost makes me laugh.


Double update... hope you like it and don't forget to vote and comment... also once again video at the top does not belong to me it belongs to it's rightful owners.... and sorry for any typo's that I over looked... it's late and I wanted to write so, hope you enjoyed XD

The video is circus monster by Vy2 yuuma lyric video....

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