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When I walked through the door I felt guilty but I had fun. What I saw next made my eyes grow wide.


When I walk through the door the people standing before me made my heart drop. The people that was standing there was not only my mom and dad but it was yuuma's family along with the schools head principal. "Well, look who decided to show up." My father spat. "Dad look I can-" "No you will hold your tongue until yuuma get here, his mother just called him to come over." My father finishes off. 'oh they are so pissed' I thought with my hearts feeling as though it would beat out of my chest. My mother told me that I should take a seat and I did as told since even the kind, caring, and loving mother she is she was holding a venomous look.

I was waiting in the living room with the five adults for nearly ten minutes then there is a knock on the front door my father tells me to stay put while he goes and answers the door. When my father walks back into the living room he has yuuma behind him. My heart sinks when hundreds of terrible senarios play out through my mind about me and yuuma. His mother tells him to sit on the couch next to me so we could listen to what they have to say. "So I want the truth, who's idea was it to skip school?" I looked at yuuma and back at the adults, "it was me, all my idea. Yuuma had nothing to do with it." I spoke up afraid. I wasn't scared of being punished by my own parents​, I was afraid for yuuma since his parents looked as if he was being punished on the spot.

"(Y/n) you left with your uniform on and your school bag, how could you have come up with this." "I left in-" I was cut off by yuuma. "Don't listen to her. She was walking to school and I dragged her away. I wanted to make it up for being sick on our date." All I could hear was a groan escape his father's mouth. The principal speaks up breaking the silence, "Well I can't say I'm angry with yuuma seeing he has excellent grades but (y/n) can't afford to miss since she's barely passing." "WHAT! (Y/n) is this true?! Are your grades suffering!?" I jump at the sound of my father raising his voice. "Y-yeah I try to study I do it's​ just I zone out every time the Sensei gives a lecture. I've been studying with yuuma for math but even he can't help me and he has an A." My father sighs and my mother tries to calm him down, then yuuma's silent mother speaks.

"Yuuma, since you told her that it was okay to skip school you will not see her till her grades improve, is that acceptable?" "It is but if he's tutoring her then..." My mother get cut off by the principal, "I'll inform her instructor first thing in the morning to switch tutors but since it's late in the semester I can't switch yuuma's classes he shares with her." The principal informs our parents. "Also (y/n) your father will be driving you to school and he will pick you up till we get a report card." I start to feel tears pricking the corners of my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. I let out a sigh in defeat, "Ok I'll get my grades up or I'll try at least. But what if I can't get them up, you both know how I am when it comes to school." "Well, then you better push yourself and yuuma I had high hopes for you. I hoped you would encourage my daughter to make excellent grades and go to college one day, but you disappointed me and helped her skip school." My father said with disappointment.

"Well there isn't anything else to be said, yuuma it's time to go." His father spat. We both stand up from the couch and he engulfs me into a deep hug then him, his parents, and the principal all leave the house. Once they leave all the tears that I was holding fell. My mother walks over to me to console​ me but I don't give her the chance, I ran upstairs into my room and slammed my door shut. I turn the lights off and jump on my bed burying my face into my fluffy white pillows, bawling and eventually passing out from crying.

The next morning I don't wake up to my alarm clock, instead I wake up to my mom lightly shaking me and whispering 'wake up'. I groan and stir in my bed not even bothering about last night since nothing I try to say or do will change the fact that I can't see yuuma at all. The only place I can see him is in class. When I finished getting ready my mother makes me a plate of food. I quickly eat then my father takes me to school, the entire car ride was silent. When my father pulls up to the front gate I get out without saying a word. Throughout​ the morning I had to put my thoughts away and pay attention which worked for me since I made a high C on my chemistry assignment, English the same as chemistry. When I hear the lunch bell go off I run out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria.

When I get to the doors my eyes immediately start scanning the room for a boy with cotton candy coloured hair. I see him at a table near the window with masami and mitski. Although when my eyes landed on them yuuma darts his head 180° and looks at me dead in the eyes. I start running over to him and he does the same. When we finally meet he engulfs me in a very tight hug. "I've missed you so much. I'm sorry for suggesting we skip. If it wasn't for that than this would never have happened." All I could do was cry, embarrassing but there wasn't any other emotion that I could express. Yuuma finally pulled away and I missed him holding me. "Don't cry, there's no reason for it." He said sweetly while wiping the tears away.

He wrapped his arms around me and brought me to the table and we sat down. "So, (y/n) your mom and dad found out huh?" Mitski said in a sad tone, all I could do was nod signaling a 'yes'. "They even took my phone. The only time I can have it is when I'm at school so if there's an emergency I have a way to contact them or vice versa, but when I'm home I'm not even allowed to use the land line." I said nearing to tears again. The whole table was quiet and the only thing that made noise was the bell making us go to next period. When we get to the class me and yuuma sit at a table together but not even five minutes, the teacher gives me and yuuma assigned seats. Yuuma and Mitski share while me, masami, and oliver share since Mitski didn't want to sit near Oliver.

During art I diligently work on my project to get good grades but I knew that this was the only class I was passing with flying colours. When we finally reach math the Sensei puts me and yuuma on opposite sides of the room. During class I took any and all note neatly so I could understand them. When the bell rings the only ones left in class is yuuma, Mitski, masami, myself and fukase. The Sensei informed me that fukase was going to be my new tutor since his grades trailed yuuma's. We all walk out of the school and notice that my father was waiting for me. I give yuuma a big hug and he tells me that 'it's not the end of the world and I would live'.

The ride home was an awkward silence but when we finally made it home I got out the car completely disregarding​ my father and fukase. When I go inside I was greeted by my mother but ignored her as well grabbing a drink from the fridge and going to my room with fukase not far behind. When we get to my room he tutors me for a few hours with luckily no personal talk about anything. My mother calls for us and fukase packs all his math materials and follows me downstairs. "Fukase dear, my husband will take you home now if your ready to go." "Thank you, uhm I'll see you tomorrow then." "Sure" was my only answer then sat down at the kitchen table propping my head up with my hand. After he leaves me and my mother start talking.

~~time skip cuz the chapters long enough~~

After me and my mother talk about me being depressed over the whole situation we are dinner and I go up to my room not caring about anything at the moment. When I get to my room I put all my notebooks and pencils away then I put some PJ's on and lay down on my plush bed. While in the darkness of my room I thought about yuuma, I missed yuuma so much. Before finally passing out from tears again one thought came to my mind, 'I love you yuuma.' then darkness took over.

Hope you enjoyed although depressing but I did warn you.... Sorry for any errors ^^

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