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The last thought I had was 'This is gonna be a fun project' then I drifted into a peaceful slumber.


I woke up to that same thing as I normally do except this time Mitski was jumping on my bed trying to get me up. "OKAY! I'M UP!" I shout hoping it would help. "Good now that you're awake you need to get up and get dressed, or you're gonna be late to see Yuuma." She said with a huge grin on her face. All I did was roll my eyes in response to her being her weird and evil self.

I threw my legs over the bed and grabbed my uniform and went to the bathroom to do my normal routine. Afterwards, I went back to my room and grabbed my school bag, socks, and my art bag then went downstairs where I was met with a hungry Mitski. "What's for breakfast hmm." She said with a closed-eyed smile. "Whatever you can find, I'm just gonna make some toast since we're running late." I said in a monotone voice.

~~time skip to school~~

When we arrive at school we were nearly late, the school guard was starting to close the front gate. I gave Mitski a quick goodbye and hers was muffled since she was still eating. I dashed to my first period and made in right before the tardy bell 'that was so close' I thought trying to catch my breath.

Throughout the course of the two classes, I have before lunch hour the only thing I was able to do was doodle on my assignments. When the bells rang I was snapped back to reality and realized that not one problem on the paper was filled out, which ended up piling on the homework. When lunch hour finally rolled around I was excited that I didn't have to spend another minute in the boring classes and I could just talk with Mitski.

When I got to the cafeteria I was shocked as to what I saw. She wasn't at the table we normally sit at, she was standing next to Yuuma's table. "What the hell does she think she's doing!?!" I thought, slightly, ok freaking out a lot. I made my way over to the table she was at and scared her, without trying to. "I thought I told you never to scare me!" She yelled at me. "Not my fault you scare a little easy when you're not paying attention." I said with a straight face. "So, from now on and until the project is over we're going to sit here with them to work on our drawings, how does that sound?" Mitski said with her devilish grin. "Sure, fine by me." Yuuma said straight forward.

The thought of sitting next to Yuuma every day for the next couple of weeks made my heart race a little bit. I looked over to Mitski who was just sitting there with her hand over her mouth laughing like a crazy person. 'She's enjoying this!!!!' I thought to myself. During the entire lunch period, mitski kept eyeballing me with her little signature grin and I just returned it with a glare. After the hour was up we all packed our supplies and went to art since we're all in the same class.

Once we made it to class Mitski spoke up, "Why don't we all share a table now, we are like friends or maybe just Masami and I will share while (y/n) and Yuuma share a table? How does that sound?" She asked. All I could do was pull her away by the hand to our normal table, "What is wrong with you!?" I whisper shout so no one could hear us. "Well if you and Yuuma are together a lot you are bound to get him to like you right?" "Wrong, haven't you noticed he's not that type? He barely speaks to anyone." I point out, but Mitski doesn't listen and I hear what she says to the others,"Okay it's settled, Yuuma and (y/n) will share a table while Masami and I share okay, have fun."

"What's the point in trying anymore?" I say not realizing I said that out loud. "What do you mean by that?" I jump realizing that Yuuma heard me. "Uh, you heard that?" "Yes, you said that out loud." "O-oh heh sorry, and don't worry about it she's just weird." I finish saying. The bell rang for class and the Sensei told us not to waste time and get started. During the course of the class, I just tried to focus on my art project even though Yuuma was close to me.

When the bell rang I had already cleaned up before most people so I could get out of class quicker. When I got to math I went over to my desk and say down. During the entire class, I was hoping that Mitski never told Yuuma anything while they walked to math class. I just sat the entire class period with my arms on my head for support.

~~time skip after class~~

When ended I picked my books up and put them in my bag, while I was doing this Mitski walked up to me and said something that made my heart drop, "I hope you don't mind but I invited Yuuma and Masami over to the house so we could work on our project." She beamed. "Mitski!!! Why?!" " Ehehe!" Was all that came out of her mouth. 'I love her to death but what is her goal in this? Why does she want this to happen between me and Yuuma?' I thought to myself.

I decided it was pointless to beat them there since they were going in the same direction. "So can you please tell me why your friend is acting like this?" Yuuma asked out of the blue. "Well, to be honest, I asked earlier and all she did was laugh at me so I can't really answer that for you." I stated.

When we got to the house we got to the house I took my keys or of my bag and unlocked the door. We all went inside, taking our shoes off at the door and went to the living room. "Well, unfortunately, I can't draw right now I have a little homework to do first." "Maybe Yuuma can help you so you can be done faster." Masami piped up. "Uh no I think I'll be okay plus I need peace quiet to be able to concentrate." I made up an excuse. I went upstairs with my bag in hand going to my room. After what took an hour of working on nearly every assignment I had for the day. I went downstairs where everyone was and I noticed they were all drawing and talking.

"So, finally done with your homework?" Masami asked sweetly. "Yeah thankfully." I said while getting a glass of water. "So, are you guys getting hungry, not you Mitski your always hungry." I asked them. They all nodded but Mitski who was pleading to me about just ordering something quickly. I went upstairs where I left my phone and called a pizza place and ordered a few large pepperoni pizzas since it's a basic kind that everyone can eat.

I went downstairs with my phone in hand and told them that it was on the way and we all started drawing and time and time seemed to have flown by. After we ate it was getting dark and both Masami and Yuuma left for the night. "So, looks like I'm gonna have to try harder aren't I?" I just looked at her with a face that was readable as 'no'. The rest of the night was the same as always. I cleaned up the mess from earlier and went up to my room to get ready for bed, then I lay down and fall into a deep sleep.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment, sorry for any spelling errors!!!!!🌸🌸🌸

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